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Journal Article
Schweitzer JS, Song B, Herrington TM, Park T-Y, Lee N, Ko S, Jeon J, Cha Y, Kim K, Li Q et al..  2020.  Personalized iPSC-Derived Dopamine Progenitor Cells for Parkinson's Disease.. N Engl J Med. 382(20):1926-1932.
Lafay-Cousin L, Bouffet E, Strother D, Rudneva V, Hawkins C, Eberhart C, Horbinski C, Heier L, Souweidane M, Williams-Hughes C et al..  2020.  Phase II Study of Nonmetastatic Desmoplastic Medulloblastoma in Children Younger Than 4 Years of Age: A Report of the Children's Oncology Group (ACNS1221). J Clin Oncol. 38(3):223-231.
Lafay-Cousin L, Bouffet E, Strother D, Rudneva V, Hawkins C, Eberhart C, Horbinski C, Heier L, Souweidane M, Williams-Hughes C et al..  2020.  Phase II Study of Nonmetastatic Desmoplastic Medulloblastoma in Children Younger Than 4 Years of Age: A Report of the Children's Oncology Group (ACNS1221). J Clin Oncol. 38(3):223-231.
Harris SS, Boorman LW, Das D, Kennerley AJ, Sharp PS, Martin C, Redgrave P, Schwartz TH, Berwick J.  2018.  Physiological and Pathological Brain Activation in the Anesthetized Rat Produces Hemodynamic-Dependent Cortical Temperature Increases That Can Confound the BOLD fMRI Signal.. Front Neurosci. 12:550.
Shafiq ARaza, A Wernicke G, Riley CAlex, Morgenstern PF, Nedialkova L, Pannullo SC, Parashar B, Magge R, Schwartz TH.  2019.  Placement of cesium-131 permanent brachytherapy seeds using the endoscopic endonasal approach for recurrent anaplastic skull base meningioma: case report and technical note.. J Neurosurg. 132(3):921-926.
Joaquim AFernandes, Tan L, K Riew D.  2020.  Posterior screw fixation in the subaxial cervical spine: a technique and literature review.. J Spine Surg. 6(1):252-261.
Byvaltsev VA, Kalinin AA, Aliyev MA, K Riew D.  2021.  Postoperative MRI Visualization of the Cervical Spine Following Cervical Disc Arthroplasty: A Prospective Single-Center Comparison of a Titanium and Cobalt-Chromium Prosthesis.. Global Spine J. :2192568221991105.
Joaquim AF, Makhni MC, K Riew D.  2019.  Post-operative nerve injuries after cervical spine surgery.. Int Orthop. 43(4):791-795.
Sait SFarouk, Haque S, Karimi S, Rebeiz KJ, Francis JH, Marr BP, Abramson DH, Souweidane MM, Dunkel IJ.  2020.  A Potential Role For Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in the Diagnosis of Trilateral Retinoblastoma.. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 42(3):238-243.
Liang B, Shetty SR, Omay SBulent, Almeida JPaulo, Ni S, Chen Y-N, Ruiz-Treviño AS, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.  2017.  Predictors and incidence of orthostatic headache associated with lumbar drain placement following endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery.. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 159(8):1379-1385.
Shin JJae, Jeon H, Lee JJoo, Kim HCheol, Kim TWoo, An SBae, Shin DAh, Yi S, Kim K-N, Yoon D-H et al..  2021.  Predictors of neurologic outcome after surgery for cervical ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament differ based on myelopathy severity: a multicenter study.. J Neurosurg Spine. :1-10.
Ottenhausen M, Rumalla K, Younus I, Minkowitz S, Tsiouris AJohn, Schwartz TH.  2018.  Predictors of postoperative motor function in rolandic meningiomas.. J Neurosurg. :1-6.
Badiee RK, Chan AK, Rivera J, Molinaro A, Doherty BR, K Riew D, Chou D, Mummaneni PV, Tan LA.  2019.  Preoperative Narcotic Use, Impaired Ambulation Status, and Increased Intraoperative Blood Loss Are Independent Risk Factors for Complications Following Posterior Cervical Laminectomy and Fusion Surgery.. Neurospine. 16(3):548-557.
Badiee RK, Chan AK, Rivera J, Molinaro A, Doherty BR, K Riew D, Chou D, Mummaneni PV, Tan LA.  2019.  Preoperative Narcotic Use, Impaired Ambulation Status, and Increased Intraoperative Blood Loss Are Independent Risk Factors for Complications Following Posterior Cervical Laminectomy and Fusion Surgery.. Neurospine. 16(3):548-557.
Lessing NL, Mwesige S, Lazaro A, Cheserem BJ, Zuckerman SL, Leidinger A, Rutabasibwa N, Shabani HK, Mangat HS, Härtl R.  2020.  Pressure ulcers after traumatic spinal injury in East Africa: risk factors, illustrative case, and low-cost protocol for prevention and treatment.. Spinal Cord Ser Cases. 6(1):48.
Nagoshi N, Fehlings MG, Nakashima H, Tetreault L, Gum JL, Smith ZA, Hsu WK, Tannoury CA, Tannoury T, Traynelis VC et al..  2017.  Prevalence and Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Reintubation After Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery: Results From the AOSpine North America Multicenter Study on 8887 Patients.. Global Spine J. 7(1 Suppl):96S-102S.
Shimizu T, Lehman RA, Pongmanee S, J Sielatycki A, Leung E, K Riew D, Lenke LG.  2019.  Prevalence and Predictive Factors of Concurrent Cervical Spinal Cord Compression in Adult Spinal Deformity.. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 44(15):1049-1056.
Huang Y, Rajappa P, Hu W, Hoffman C, Cisse B, Kim J-H, Gorge E, Yanowitch R, Cope W, Vartanian E et al..  2017.  A proangiogenic signaling axis in myeloid cells promotes malignant progression of glioma.. J Clin Invest. 127(5):1826-1838.
Huang Y, Rajappa P, Hu W, Hoffman C, Cisse B, Kim J-H, Gorge E, Yanowitch R, Cope W, Vartanian E et al..  2017.  A proangiogenic signaling axis in myeloid cells promotes malignant progression of glioma.. J Clin Invest. 127(5):1826-1838.
Smith JS, Shaffrey CI, Kim HJo, Passias P, Protopsaltis T, Lafage R, Mundis GM, Klineberg E, Lafage V, Schwab FJ et al..  2018.  Prospective Multicenter Assessment of All-Cause Mortality Following Surgery for Adult Cervical Deformity.. Neurosurgery. 83(6):1277-1285.
Smith JS, Ramchandran S, Lafage V, Shaffrey CI, Ailon T, Klineberg E, Protopsaltis T, Schwab FJ, OʼBrien M, Hostin R et al..  2016.  Prospective Multicenter Assessment of Early Complication Rates Associated With Adult Cervical Deformity Surgery in 78 Patients.. Neurosurgery. 79(3):378-88.
Smith JS, Ramchandran S, Lafage V, Shaffrey CI, Ailon T, Klineberg E, Protopsaltis T, Schwab FJ, OʼBrien M, Hostin R et al..  2016.  Prospective Multicenter Assessment of Early Complication Rates Associated With Adult Cervical Deformity Surgery in 78 Patients.. Neurosurgery. 79(3):378-88.
Ottenhausen M, Alalade AF, Rumalla K, Nair P, Baaj A, Härtl R, Kacker A, Greenfield JP, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.  2018.  Quality of Life After Combined Endonasal Endoscopic Odontoidectomy and Posterior Suboccipital Decompression and Fusion.. World Neurosurg. 116:e571-e576.
Lin JD, Tan LA, Tuchman A, Li XJoshua, Zhang H, Ren K, K Riew D.  2019.  Quantitative and qualitative analyses of spinal canal encroachment during cervical laminectomy using the kerrison rongeur versus High-Speed burr.. Br J Neurosurg. 33(2):131-134.
Lin JD, Tan LA, Tuchman A, Li XJoshua, Zhang H, Ren K, K Riew D.  2019.  Quantitative and qualitative analyses of spinal canal encroachment during cervical laminectomy using the kerrison rongeur versus High-Speed burr.. Br J Neurosurg. 33(2):131-134.