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Salzmann SN, Lampe LP, Fernholz B, Härtl R, Patsalides A, Hughes AP.  2017.  C2 Bone Erosion Secondary to Iatrogenic Pseudomeningocele: A Case Report and Description of a Novel Surgical Technique.. World Neurosurg. 106:1056.e1-1056.e4.
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Moriguchi Y, Alimi M, Khair T, Manolarakis G, Berlin C, Bonassar LJ, Härtl R.  2016.  Biological Treatment Approaches for Degenerative Disk Disease: A Literature Review of In Vivo Animal and Clinical Data.. Global Spine J. 6(5):497-518.
Pennicooke B, Moriguchi Y, Hussain I, Bonssar L, Härtl R.  2016.  Biological Treatment Approaches for Degenerative Disc Disease: A Review of Clinical Trials and Future Directions.. Cureus. 8(11):e892.
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Hasan S, Härtl R, Hofstetter CP.  2019.  The benefit zone of full-endoscopic spine surgery.. J Spine Surg. 5(Suppl 1):S41-S56.
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Weidman EK, Morgenstern PF, C Phillips D, Greenfield JP, Schwartz TH, Heier LA.  2019.  Beals syndrome with middle and inner ear dysplasia and encephalocele: A case report and review of imaging findings.. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 117:26-29.
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Maachani UB, Tosi U, Pisapia DJ, Mukherjee S, Marnell CS, Voronina J, Martinez D, Santi M, Dahmane N, Zhou Z et al..  2019.  B7-H3 As a Prognostic Biomarker and Therapeutic Target in Pediatric Central Nervous System Tumors. Transl Oncol. 13(2):365-371.
Lange CJ, Thimmappa NDeepa, Boddu SR, Dutruel SP, Pei M, Farooq Z, Behzadi AHeshmatzad, Wang Y, Zabih R, Prince MR.  2017.  Automating Perforator Flap MRA and CTA Reporting.. J Digit Imaging. 30(3):350-357.
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Makhni MC, Yeung CM, K Riew D.  2020.  The Art of Diagnosis in the Cervical Spine.. Neurospine. 17(4):695-703.