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Journal Article
Ali S, Qandeel M, Ramakrishna R, Yang CW.  2018.  Virtual Simulation in Enhancing Procedural Training for Fluoroscopy-guided Lumbar Puncture: A Pilot Study.. Acad Radiol. 25(2):235-239.
Carnevale JA, Babu CS, Goldberg JL, Fong R, Schwartz TH.  2021.  Visual deterioration after endonasal endoscopic skull base surgery: causes, treatments, and outcomes.. J Neurosurg. :1-11.
Omay SB, Schwartz TH.  2016.  Visual outcome after pituitary adenoma surgery.. Neurol India. 64(6):1254-1255.
Souweidane MM, Johnson JH, Lis E.  1999.  Volumetric reduction of a choroid plexus carcinoma using preoperative chemotherapy.. J Neurooncol. 43(2):167-71.
Lee NJ, Boddapati V, Mathew J, Fields M, Vulapalli M, Kim JS, Lombardi JM, Sardar ZM, Lehman RA, K Riew D.  2021.  What Is the Impact of Surgical Approach in the Treatment of Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy in Patients With OPLL? A Propensity-Score Matched, Multi-Center Analysis on Inpatient and Post-Discharge 90-Day Outcomes. Global Spine J. :2192568221994797.
K Riew D, Yang JJun, Chang D-G, Park S-M, Yeom JS, Lee JSung, Jang E-C, Song K-S.  2019.  What is the most accurate radiographic criterion to determine anterior cervical fusion? Spine J. 19(3):469-475.
Bratescu RA, Härtl R, Berger J.  2024.  Where Are the Women in Spine Surgery? A Demographic Study of the Range of Gender Disparity in Academic Spine Hospitals in the United States Spine J.
Liu G, Reyes MRamona, K Riew D.  2017.  Why Does C5 Palsy Occur After Prophylactic Bilateral C4-5 Foraminotomy in Open-Door Cervical Laminoplasty? A Risk Factor Analysis. Global Spine J. 7(7):696-702.
Tosi U, Chidambaram S, Schwarz J, Diaz SMartinez, Singh S, Norman S, Radwanski R, Murthy S, Apuzzo M, Schwartz TH et al..  2021.  The World of Neurosurgery Reimagined Post COVID-19: Crisis ↔ Opportunities.. World Neurosurg. 148:251-255.
Falavigna A, Quadros FW, Teles AR, Wong CChek, Barbagallo G, Brodke D, Al-Mutair A, K Riew D.  2018.  Worldwide Steroid Prescription for Acute Spinal Cord Injury.. Global Spine J. 8(3):303-310.