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Journal Article
Rumalla K, Smith KA, Arnold PM, Schwartz TH.  2019.  Readmission Following Surgical Resection for Intractable Epilepsy: Nationwide Rates, Causes, Predictors, and Outcomes.. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 16(3):374-382.
Younus I, Gerges MM, Dobri GA, Ramakrishna R, Schwartz TH.  2019.  Readmission after endoscopic transsphenoidal pituitary surgery: analysis of 584 consecutive cases.. J Neurosurg. :1-6.
Hoffman CE, Ochi A, Snead OCarter, Widjaja E, Hawkins C, Tisdal M, Rutka JT.  2016.  Rasmussen's encephalitis: advances in management and patient outcomes.. Childs Nerv Syst. 32(4):629-40.
Ailon T, Smith JS, Nassr A, Smith ZA, Hsu WK, Fehlings MG, Fish DE, Wang JC, Hilibrand AS, Mummaneni PV et al..  2017.  Rare Complications of Cervical Spine Surgery: Pseudomeningocoele.. Global Spine J. 7(1 Suppl):109S-114S.
Traynelis VC, Malone HR, Smith ZA, Hsu WK, Kanter AS, Qureshi SA, Cho SK, Baird EO, Isaacs RE, Rahman R'KK et al..  2017.  Rare Complications of Cervical Spine Surgery: Horner's Syndrome.. Global Spine J. 7(1 Suppl):103S-108S.
K Riew D.  2017.  Rare Complications of Cervical Spine Surgery.. Global Spine J. 7(1 Suppl):6S.
Celie K-B, Yuan M, Cunniff C, Bogue J, Hoffman C, Imahiyerobo T.  2019.  Rapidly Progressive Multisutural Craniosynostosis in a Patient With Jackson-Weiss Syndrome and a De Novo Pathogenic Variant.. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 56(10):1386-1392.
Härtl R, Wu A-M.  2018.  Rapid development of minimally invasive spinal surgery: exciting advancements and challenges.. Ann Transl Med. 6(6):98.
Lange KRae, Fischer C, Rajappa P, Connors S, Pisapia D, Greenfield JP, Beltran H, Rubin M, Mosquera JMiguel, Khakoo Y.  2018.  Rapid autopsy of a patient with recurrent anaplastic ependymoma.. Palliat Support Care. 16(2):238-242.
Ramakrishna R, Formenti S.  2019.  Radiosurgery and Immunotherapy in the Treatment of Brain Metastases.. World Neurosurg. 130:615-622.
Oshina M, Oshima Y, Tanaka S, K Riew D.  2018.  Radiological Fusion Criteria of Postoperative Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion: A Systematic Review.. Global Spine J. 8(7):739-750.
Strahle JM, Taiwo R, Averill C, Torner J, Shannon CN, Bonfield CM, Tuite GF, Bethel-Anderson T, Rutlin J, Brockmeyer DL et al..  2019.  Radiological and clinical predictors of scoliosis in patients with Chiari malformation type I and spinal cord syrinx from the Park-Reeves Syringomyelia Research Consortium.. J Neurosurg Pediatr. :1-8.
Park MSoo, Moon S-H, Kim T-H, Oh JKeun, Kang HJun, K Riew D.  2016.  Radiographic Comparison between Cervical Spine Lateral and Whole-Spine Lateral Standing Radiographs.. Global Spine J. 6(2):118-23.
Alimi M, Navarro-Ramirez R, Parikh K, Njoku I, Hofstetter CP, Tsiouris AJ, Härtl R.  2017.  Radiographic and Clinical Outcome of Silicate-substituted Calcium Phosphate (Si-CaP) Ceramic Bone Graft in Spinal Fusion Procedures.. Clin Spine Surg. 30(6):E845-E852.
Younus I, Forbes JA, Ordóñez-Rubiano EG, Avendano-Pradel R, La Corte E, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.  2018.  Radiation therapy rather than prior surgery reduces extent of resection during endonasal endoscopic reoperation for craniopharyngioma.. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 160(7):1425-1431.
Yondorf MZ, Schwartz TH, Boockvar JA, Pannullo S, Stieg P, Sabbas A, Pavese A, Trichter S, Nedialkova L, Parashar B et al..  2017.  Radiation Exposure and Safety Precautions Following 131Cs Brachytherapy in Patients with Brain Tumors.. Health Phys. 112(4):403-408.
Sangari SK, Heinneman TE, Conti MS, Dossous P-MF, Dillon DJ, Tsiouris AJ, Pyo SYoung, Mtui EP, Härtl R.  2016.  Quantitative Gross and CT measurements of Cadaveric Cervical Vertebrae (C3 - C6) as Guidelines for the Lateral mass screw fixation.. Int J Spine Surg. 10:43.
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Ottenhausen M, Alalade AF, Rumalla K, Nair P, Baaj A, Härtl R, Kacker A, Greenfield JP, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.  2018.  Quality of Life After Combined Endonasal Endoscopic Odontoidectomy and Posterior Suboccipital Decompression and Fusion.. World Neurosurg. 116:e571-e576.
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Jiang EY, Sloan SR, Wipplinger C, Kirnaz S, Härtl R, Bonassar LJ.  2019.  Proteoglycan removal by chondroitinase ABC improves injectable collagen gel adhesion to annulus fibrosus.. Acta Biomater. 97:428-436.
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Smith JS, Ramchandran S, Lafage V, Shaffrey CI, Ailon T, Klineberg E, Protopsaltis T, Schwab FJ, OʼBrien M, Hostin R et al..  2016.  Prospective Multicenter Assessment of Early Complication Rates Associated With Adult Cervical Deformity Surgery in 78 Patients.. Neurosurgery. 79(3):378-88.