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Journal Article
Wang EW, Zanation AM, Gardner PA, Schwartz TH, Eloy JAnderson, Adappa ND, Bettag M, Bleier BS, Cappabianca P, Carrau RL et al..  2019.  ICAR: endoscopic skull-base surgery.. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 9(S3):S145-S365.
Jones SH, Iannone AF, Patel KS, Anchouche K, Raza SM, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.  2016.  The Impact of Age on Long-Term Quality of Life After Endonasal Endoscopic Resection of Skull Base Meningiomas.. Neurosurgery. 79(5):736-745.
Younus I, Gerges M, Schwartz TH, Ramakrishna R.  2020.  Impact of Medicaid insurance on outcomes following endoscopic transsphenoidal pituitary surgery.. J Neurosurg. :1-6.
Winston GM, Lavieri METusa, Villamater FMichael, Schwartz TH.  2023.  Implantation of Intracranial Electrodes Predicts Worse Outcome in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.. World Neurosurg. 169:e245-e250.
Chaurasia B, Deora H, El-Ghandour NMF, Oyesiku NM, Chaurasia RKumar, Schulder M, Sanchez JAntonio So, Teo M, Hernesniemi J, Linzey JRaynor et al..  2020.  In Memoriam: A Memoir for Our Fallen "Heroes".. Neurosurgery. 87(4):854-856.
Nagappan S, Liu L, Fetcho R, Nguyen J, Nishimura N, Radwanski RE, Lieberman S, Baird-Daniel E, Ma H, Zhao M et al..  2019.  In Vivo Femtosecond Laser Subsurface Cortical Microtransections Attenuate Acute Rat Focal Seizures.. Cereb Cortex. 29(8):3415-3426.
Younus I, Gerges MM, Godil SS, Uribe-Cardenas R, Dobri GA, Ramakrishna R, Schwartz TH.  2019.  Incidence and risk factors associated with reoperation for sellar hematoma following endoscopic transsphenoidal pituitary surgery.. J Neurosurg. :1-7.
Gerges MM, Arnaout MM, Asri ACherif El, Cummock MD, Roshdy A, Anand VK, Dinkin MJ, Oliveira C, Schwartz TH.  2019.  Increased frequency of cataract surgery in patients over age 50 with pituitary macroadenomas and chiasmal compression.. Pituitary. 22(4):405-410.
Hoffman CE, Parker WE, Rapoport BI, Zhao M, Ma H, Schwartz TH.  2020.  Innovations in the Neurosurgical Management of Epilepsy.. World Neurosurg. 139:775-788.
Mahase SS, Navrazhina K, Schwartz TH, Parashar B, A Wernicke G.  2019.  Intraoperative brachytherapy for resected brain metastases.. Brachytherapy. 18(3):258-270.
Golub D, Hyde J, Dogra S, Nicholson J, Kirkwood KA, Gohel P, Loftus S, Schwartz TH.  2020.  Intraoperative MRI versus 5-ALA in high-grade glioma resection: a network meta-analysis. J Neurosurg. :1-15.
Soneru CP, Riley CA, Hoffman K, Tabaee A, Schwartz TH.  2019.  Intra-operative MRI vs endoscopy in achieving gross total resection of pituitary adenomas: a systematic review.. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 161(8):1683-1698.
Barker FG, Fahlbusch R, Schwartz TH, Wisoff JH.  2016.  Introduction: Craniopharyngioma: current and emerging treatment modalities.. Neurosurg Focus. 41(6):E1.
Ming Q, Liou J-Y, Yang F, Li J, Chu C, Zhou Q, Wu D, Xu S, Luo P, Liang J et al..  2020.  Isoflurane-Induced Burst Suppression Is a Thalamus-Modulated, Focal-Onset Rhythm With Persistent Local Asynchrony and Variable Propagation Patterns in Rats.. Front Syst Neurosci. 14:599781.