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Journal Article
Ramakrishna R, Formenti S.  2019.  Radiosurgery and Immunotherapy in the Treatment of Brain Metastases.. World Neurosurg. 130:615-622.
Alimi M, Navarro-Ramirez R, Parikh K, Njoku I, Hofstetter CP, Tsiouris AJ, Härtl R.  2017.  Radiographic and Clinical Outcome of Silicate-substituted Calcium Phosphate (Si-CaP) Ceramic Bone Graft in Spinal Fusion Procedures.. Clin Spine Surg. 30(6):E845-E852.
Qiao L, Souweidane MM.  2011.  Purely endoscopic removal of intraventricular brain tumors: a consensus opinion and update. Minim Invasive Neurosurg. 54(4):149-54.
Staton CA, Msilanga D, Kiwango G, Vissoci JRicardo, de Andrade L, Lester R, Hocker M, Gerardo CJ, Mvungi M.  2017.  A prospective registry evaluating the epidemiology and clinical care of traumatic brain injury patients presenting to a regional referral hospital in Moshi, Tanzania: challenges and the way forward.. Int J Inj Contr Saf Promot. 24(1):69-77.
Asri ACherif El, Arnaout MM, Gerges MM, Gazzaz M, Mostarchid BEl, Schwartz TH.  2019.  Prognosis Factor in Oculomotor Schwannoma: A Case of Endoscopic Endonasal Approach and Systematic Review of the Literature.. World Neurosurg. 129:72-80.
Bobeff EJ, Mathios D, Mistry AA, Dobri GA, Souweidane MM, Anand VK, Tabaee A, Kacker A, Greenfield JP, Schwartz TH.  2023.  Predictors of extent of resection and recurrence following endoscopic endonasal resection of craniopharyngioma.. J Neurosurg. 139(5):1235-1246.
Liang B, Shetty SR, Omay SBulent, Almeida JPaulo, Ni S, Chen Y-N, Ruiz-Treviño AS, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.  2017.  Predictors and incidence of orthostatic headache associated with lumbar drain placement following endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery.. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 159(8):1379-1385.
Hussain I, Virk MS, Link TW, Tsiouris AJ, Elowitz E.  2018.  Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion with 3D-Navigation Guided Cortical Bone Trajectory Screws for L4/5 Degenerative Spondylolisthesis: 1-Year Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes.. World Neurosurg. 110:e504-e513.
Tosi U, Lara-Reyna J, Chae J, Sepanj R, Souweidane MM, Greenfield JP.  2020.  Persistent Syringomyelia After Posterior Fossa Decompression for Chiari Malformation.. World Neurosurg. 136:454-461.e1.
De B, Khakoo Y, Souweidane MM, Dunkel IJ, Patel SH, Gilheeney SW, De Braganca KC, Karajannis MA, Wolden SL.  2018.  Patterns of relapse for children with localized intracranial ependymoma.. J Neurooncol. 138(2):435-445.
Ailon T, Smith JS, Shaffrey CI, Kim HJo, Mundis G, Gupta M, Klineberg E, Schwab F, Lafage V, Lafage R et al..  2018.  Outcomes of Operative Treatment for Adult Cervical Deformity: A Prospective Multicenter Assessment With 1-Year Follow-up.. Neurosurgery. 83(5):1031-1039.
Kang DG, Lehman RA, Wagner SC, Peters C, K Riew D.  2017.  Outcomes Following Arthrodesis for Atlanto-Axial Osteoarthritis.. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 42(5):E294-E303.
Safi C, Li C, Tabaee A, Ramakrishna R, Riley CA.  2019.  Outcomes and imaging findings of respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma: a systematic review.. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 9(6):674-680.
Cohen LE, Fullerton N, Mundy LR, Weinstein AL, Fu K-M, Ketner JJ, Härtl R, Spector JA.  2016.  Optimizing Successful Outcomes in Complex Spine Reconstruction Using Local Muscle Flaps.. Plast Reconstr Surg. 137(1):295-301.
Eljalby M, Pannullo SC, Schwartz TH, Parashar B, A Wernicke G.  2019.  Optimal Timing and Sequence of Immunotherapy When Combined with Stereotactic Radiosurgery in the Treatment of Brain Metastases.. World Neurosurg. 127:397-404.
Kirnaz S, Gerges MM, Rumalla K, Bernardo A, Baaj AA, Greenfield JP.  2020.  Occipital Condyle Screw Placement in Patients with Chiari Malformation: A Radiographic Feasibility Analysis and Cadaveric Demonstration.. World Neurosurg. 136:470-478.
Nair DR, Laxer KD, Weber PB, Murro AM, Park YD, Barkley GL, Smith BJ, Gwinn RP, Doherty MJ, Noe KH et al..  2020.  Nine-year prospective efficacy and safety of brain-responsive neurostimulation for focal epilepsy.. Neurology. 95(9):e1244-e1256.
Steinberg SN, Greenfield JP, Perrine K.  2020.  Neuroanatomic Correlates for the Neuropsychological Manifestations of Chiari Malformation Type I.. World Neurosurg. 136:462-469.
Wright MA, Weinstein AL, Bernstein JL, Franck P, Lara DO, Samadi A, Cohen LE, Härtl R, Baaj AA, Spector JA.  2020.  Muscle Flap Closure following Complex Spine Surgery: A Decade of Experience.. Plast Reconstr Surg. 146(5):642e-650e.
Parajón A, Alimi M, Navarro-Ramirez R, Christos P, Torres-Campa JM, Moriguchi Y, Lang G, Härtl R.  2017.  Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Meta-analysis of the Fusion Rates. What is the Optimal Graft Material? Neurosurgery. 81(6):958-971.
Alimi M, Njoku I, Cong G-T, Pyo SYoung, Hofstetter CP, Grunert P, Härtl R.  2014.  Minimally Invasive Foraminotomy Through Tubular Retractors via a Contralateral Approach in Patients with Unilateral Radiculopathy. Neurosurgery. 10 Suppl 3:436-47;discussion446-7.
Link TW, Boddu S, Paine SM, Kamel H, Knopman J.  2019.  Middle Meningeal Artery Embolization for Chronic Subdural Hematoma: A Series of 60 Cases.. Neurosurgery. 85(6):801-807.
Link TW, Boddu S, Marcus J, Rapoport BI, Lavi E, Knopman J.  2018.  Middle Meningeal Artery Embolization as Treatment for Chronic Subdural Hematoma: A Case Series.. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 14(5):556-562.
Santillan A, Boddu S, Schwarz J, Lin N, Y Gobin P, Knopman J, Patsalides A.  2018.  LVIS Jr. stent for treatment of intracranial aneurysms with parent vessel diameter of 2.5 mm or less.. Interv Neuroradiol. 24(3):246-253.
Schöller K, Alimi M, Cong G-T, Christos P, Härtl R.  2017.  Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Associated With Degenerative Lumbar Spondylolisthesis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Secondary Fusion Rates Following Open vs Minimally Invasive Decompression.. Neurosurgery. 80(3):355-367.