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Sait SFarouk, Haque S, Karimi S, Rebeiz KJ, Francis JH, Marr BP, Abramson DH, Souweidane MM, Dunkel IJ.  2020.  A Potential Role For Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in the Diagnosis of Trilateral Retinoblastoma.. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 42(3):238-243.
Schintu N, Zhang X, Alvarsson A, Marongiu R, Kaplitt MG, Greengard P, Svenningsson P.  2016.  p11 modulates L-DOPA therapeutic effects and dyskinesia via distinct cell types in experimental Parkinsonism.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 113(5):1429-34.
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Shafiq ARaza, A Wernicke G, Riley CAlex, Morgenstern PF, Nedialkova L, Pannullo SC, Parashar B, Magge R, Schwartz TH.  2019.  Placement of cesium-131 permanent brachytherapy seeds using the endoscopic endonasal approach for recurrent anaplastic skull base meningioma: case report and technical note.. J Neurosurg. 132(3):921-926.
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Shin JJae, Jeon H, Lee JJoo, Kim HCheol, Kim TWoo, An SBae, Shin DAh, Yi S, Kim K-N, Yoon D-H et al..  2021.  Predictors of neurologic outcome after surgery for cervical ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament differ based on myelopathy severity: a multicenter study.. J Neurosurg Spine. :1-10.
Smith JS, Ramchandran S, Lafage V, Shaffrey CI, Ailon T, Klineberg E, Protopsaltis T, Schwab FJ, OʼBrien M, Hostin R et al..  2016.  Prospective Multicenter Assessment of Early Complication Rates Associated With Adult Cervical Deformity Surgery in 78 Patients.. Neurosurgery. 79(3):378-88.
Smith JS, Shaffrey CI, Kim HJo, Passias P, Protopsaltis T, Lafage R, Mundis GM, Klineberg E, Lafage V, Schwab FJ et al..  2018.  Prospective Multicenter Assessment of All-Cause Mortality Following Surgery for Adult Cervical Deformity.. Neurosurgery. 83(6):1277-1285.
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