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Ivanidze J, Chang SJung, Haghdel A, Kim JTae, RoyChoudhury A, Wu A, Ramakrishna R, Schwartz TH, Cisse B, Stieg P et al..  2024.  [Ga68] DOTATATE PET/MRI-Guided Radiosurgical Treatment Planning and Response Assessment in Meningiomas.. Neuro Oncol.
Mahase SS, O'Brien DARoth, No D, Roytman M, Skafida ME, Lin E, Karakatsanis NA, Osborne JR, Brandmaier A, Pannullo SC et al..  2021.  [Ga]-DOTATATE PET/MRI as an adjunct imaging modality for radiation treatment planning of meningiomas.. Neurooncol Adv. 3(1):vdab012.
Ivanidze J, Roytman M, Lin E, Magge RS, Pisapia DJ, Liechty B, Karakatsanis N, Ramakrishna R, Knisely J, Schwartz TH et al..  2019.  Gallium-68 DOTATATE PET in the Evaluation of Intracranial Meningiomas.. J Neuroimaging. 29(5):650-656.
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