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Journal Article
Joaquim AF, Lee NJ, Lehman RA, Tumialán LM, K Riew D.  2020.  Answer to the "Letter to the Editor of Wu TK, et al. concerning "Osteolysis after cervical disc arthroplasty" by Joaquim AF, et al. (Eur Spine J; [2020]: doi: 10.1007/s00586-020-06578-2)".. Eur Spine J. 29(12):3249-3250.
Boddapati V, Mathew J, Lee NJ, Peterson JR, McCormick KL, Lombardi JM, Sardar ZM, Lehman RA, K Riew D.  2021.  Are outpatient three- and four-level anterior cervical discectomies and fusion safe? Spine J. 21(2):231-238.
Fields MW, Lee NJ, Hong DY, Para A, Boddapati V, Mathew J, Kim JS, Lombardi J, Lehman RA, K Riew D.  2021.  Cervical Spinal Fusion in Adult Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis: A National Analysis of Complications and 90-day Readmissions.. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 46(1):E23-E30.
Laratta JLawrence, Shillingford JN, Cohen-Tanugi SJeffrey, Lombardi JM, Lenke LG, K Riew D, Lehman RA, Ludwig SC.  2018.  Defining the "Critical Elements" for the Most Common Procedures in Spine Surgery: A Consensus of Orthopedic and Neurosurgical Surgeons.. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 43(9):E531-E536.
Lee NJ, Vulapalli M, Park P, Kim JS, Boddapati V, Mathew J, Amorosa LF, Sardar ZM, Lehman RA, K Riew D.  2020.  Does screw length for primary two-level ACDF influence pseudarthrosis risk? Spine J. 20(11):1752-1760.
Laratta JL, Shillingford JN, Hardy N, Lehman RA, Lenke LG, K Riew D.  2017.  A Dose-Response Curve for a Gram-Negative Spinal Implant Infection Model in Rabbits.. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 42(21):E1225-E1230.
Boddapati V, Lee NJ, Mathew J, Vulapalli MM, Lombardi JM, Dyrszka MD, Sardar ZM, Lehman RA, K Riew D.  2020.  Hybrid Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion and Cervical Disc Arthroplasty: An Analysis of Short-Term Complications, Reoperations, and Readmissions.. Global Spine J. :2192568220941453.
Khan AN, Jacobsen HE, Khan J, Filippi CG, Levine M, Lehman RA, K Riew D, Lenke LG, Chahine NO.  2017.  Inflammatory biomarkers of low back pain and disc degeneration: a review.. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1410(1):68-84.
Laratta JL, Shillingford JN, Hardy N, Lombardi JM, Saifi C, Romanov A, Lenke LG, Lehman RA, K Riew D.  2017.  Intrawound Tobramycin Powder Eradicates Surgical Wound Contamination: An In Vivo Rabbit Study.. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 42(24):E1393-E1397.
Shillingford J, Laratta J, Hardy N, Saifi C, Lombardi J, Pugely AJ, Lehman RA, K Riew D.  2017.  National outcomes following single-level cervical disc arthroplasty versus anterior cervical discectomy and fusion.. J Spine Surg. 3(4):641-649.
Makhni MChugh, Jegede K, Lombardi J, Whittier S, Gorroochurn P, Lehman RA, K Riew D.  2018.  No Clear Benefit of Chlorhexidine Use at Home Before Surgical Preparation.. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 26(2):e39-e47.
Boddapati V, Padaki AS, Lehman RA, Lenke LG, Levine WN, K Riew D.  2021.  Opioid Prescriptions by Orthopaedic Surgeons in a Medicare Population: Recent Trends, Potential Complications, and Characteristics of High Prescribers.. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 29(5):e232-e237.
Pugely AJ, Bedard NA, Kalakoti P, Hendrickson NR, Shillingford JN, Laratta JL, Saifi C, Lehman RA, K Riew D.  2018.  Opioid use following cervical spine surgery: trends and factors associated with long-term use.. Spine J. 18(11):1974-1981.
Joaquim AFernandes, Lee NJ, Lehman RA, Tumialán LM, K Riew D.  2020.  Osteolysis after cervical disc arthroplasty.. Eur Spine J. 29(11):2723-2733.
Kang DG, Lehman RA, Wagner SC, Peters C, K Riew D.  2017.  Outcomes Following Arthrodesis for Atlanto-Axial Osteoarthritis.. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 42(5):E294-E303.
Shimizu T, Lehman RA, Pongmanee S, J Sielatycki A, Leung E, K Riew D, Lenke LG.  2019.  Prevalence and Predictive Factors of Concurrent Cervical Spinal Cord Compression in Adult Spinal Deformity.. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 44(15):1049-1056.
Lopez CD, Boddapati V, Lombardi JM, Sardar ZM, Dyrszka MD, Lehman RA, K Riew D.  2020.  Recent trends in medicare utilization and reimbursement for anterior cervical discectomy and fusion.. Spine J. 20(11):1737-1743.
Boddapati V, Lee NJ, Mathew J, Held MB, Peterson JR, Vulapalli MM, Lombardi JM, Dyrszka MD, Sardar ZM, Lehman RA et al..  2021.  Respiratory Compromise After Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery: Incidence, Subsequent Complications, and Independent Predictors.. Global Spine J. :2192568220984469.
Lee NJ, Joaquim AF, Boddapati V, Mathew J, Park P, Kim JS, Sardar ZM, Lehman RA, K Riew D.  2021.  Revision Anterior Cervical Disc Arthroplasty: A National Analysis of the Associated Indications, Procedures, and Postoperative Outcomes.. Global Spine J. :2192568220979140.
Saifi C, Fein AW, Cazzulino A, Lehman RA, Phillips FM, An HS, K Riew D.  2018.  Trends in resource utilization and rate of cervical disc arthroplasty and anterior cervical discectomy and fusion throughout the United States from 2006 to 2013.. Spine J. 18(6):1022-1029.
Lee NJ, Boddapati V, Mathew J, Fields M, Vulapalli M, Kim JS, Lombardi JM, Sardar ZM, Lehman RA, K Riew D.  2021.  What Is the Impact of Surgical Approach in the Treatment of Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy in Patients With OPLL? A Propensity-Score Matched, Multi-Center Analysis on Inpatient and Post-Discharge 90-Day Outcomes. Global Spine J. :2192568221994797.