
Found 685 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Bang W-S, Park J, Kim K-T, Cho D-C, K Riew D, Kim D-H, Han I-B, Hyun S-J, Yoon D-H, Kim Y-B.  2020.  Development of Neuro-Monitoring Pedicle Screw - Results of Electrical Resistance and Neurophysiologic Test in Pig Model.. Neurospine.
Lin J, Piran P, Lerario MP, Ong H, Gupta A, Murthy SB, Díaz I, Stieg PE, Knopman J, Falcone GJ et al..  2020.  Differences in Admission Blood Pressure Among Causes of Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Stroke. 51(2):644-647.
Khan I, Sivaganesan A, Archer KR, Bydon M, McGirt MJ, Nian H, Harrell FE, Foley KT, Mummaneni PV, Bisson EF et al..  2020.  Does Neck Disability Index Correlate With 12-Month Satisfaction After Elective Surgery for Cervical Radiculopathy? Results From a National Spine Registry. Neurosurgery. 86(5):736-741.
Lee NJ, Vulapalli M, Park P, Kim JS, Boddapati V, Mathew J, Amorosa LF, Sardar ZM, Lehman RA, K Riew D.  2020.  Does screw length for primary two-level ACDF influence pseudarthrosis risk? Spine J. 20(11):1752-1760.
Yondorf MZ, Faraz S, Smith AW, Sabbas A, Parashar B, Schwartz TH, A Wernicke G.  2020.  Dosimetric differences between cesium-131 and iodine-125 brachytherapy for the treatment of resected brain metastases.. J Contemp Brachytherapy. 12(4):311-316.
Amin-Hanjani S, Bambakidis NC, Barker FG, Carter BS, Cockroft KM, Du R, Fraser JF, Hamilton MG, Huang J, Jane JA et al..  2020.  Editorial. COVID-19 and neurosurgical practice: an interim report.. J Neurosurg. :1-2.
Lombardi JM, Vivas AC, Gornet MF, Lanman TH, McConnell JR, Dryer RF, J Burkus K, K Riew D.  2020.  The Effect of ACDF or Arthroplasty on Cervicogenic Headaches: A Post Hoc Analysis of a Prospective, Multicenter Study With 10-Year Follow-up.. Clin Spine Surg. 33(9):339-344.
Chagoya G, Kwatra SG, Nanni CW, Roberts CM, Phillips SM, Nullmeyergh S, Gilmore SP, Spasojevic I, Corcoran DL, Young CC et al..  2020.  Efficacy of osimertinib against EGFRvIII+ glioblastoma.. Oncotarget. 11(22):2074-2082.
Badve SA, Florman JE, Levi AD, Kurra S, K Riew D, Lavelle WF.  2020.  Employment Status for the First Decade Following Randomization to Cervical Disc Arthroplasty Versus Fusion.. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 45(20):1411-1418.
Youngerman BE, Banu MA, Gerges MM, Odigie E, Tabaee A, Kacker A, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.  2020.  Endoscopic endonasal approach for suprasellar meningiomas: introduction of a new scoring system to predict extent of resection and assist in case selection with long-term outcome data.. J Neurosurg. :1-13.
Husain Q, Kim MH, Hussain I, Anand VK, Greenfield JP, Schwartz TH, Kacker A.  2020.  Endoscopic endonasal approaches to the craniovertebral junction: The Otolaryngologist's perspective.. World J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 6(2):94-99.
Gerges MM, Godil SS, Kacker A, Schwartz TH.  2020.  Endoscopic Endonasal Transclival Resection of a Pontine Metastasis: Case Report and Operative Video.. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 19(1):E75-E81.
Singh H, Essayed WI, Schwartz TH.  2020.  Endoscopic technology and repair techniques.. Handb Clin Neurol. 170:217-225.
Hussain I, Cosar M, Kirnaz S, Schmidt FA, Wipplinger C, Wong T, Härtl R.  2020.  Evolving Navigation, Robotics, and Augmented Reality in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.. Global Spine J. 10(2 Suppl):22S-33S.
Garton ALA, Kinslow CJ, Rae AI, Mehta A, Pannullo SC, Magge RS, Ramakrishna R, McKhann GM, Sisti MB, Bruce JN et al..  2020.  Extent of resection, molecular signature, and survival in 1p19q-codeleted gliomas.. J Neurosurg. :1-11.
Gandhi SD, Khanna K, Harada G, Louie P, Harrop J, Mroz T, Al-Saleh K, Brodano GBarbanti, Chapman J, Fehlings MG et al..  2020.  Factors Affecting the Decision to Initiate Anticoagulation After Spine Surgery: Findings From the AOSpine Anticoagulation Global Initiative.. Global Spine J. :2192568220948027.
Hale AT, P Adelson D, Albert GW, Aldana PR, Alden TD, Anderson RCE, Bauer DF, Bonfield CM, Brockmeyer DL, Chern JJ et al..  2020.  Factors associated with syrinx size in pediatric patients treated for Chiari malformation type I and syringomyelia: a study from the Park-Reeves Syringomyelia Research Consortium.. J Neurosurg Pediatr. :1-11.
Hussain I, Kocharian G, Tosi U, Schwartz TH, Hoffman CE.  2020.  Foundations of the Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Epilepsy.. World Neurosurg. 139:750-761.
Pisapia DJ, Ohara K, Bareja R, Wilkes DC, Hissong E, Croyle JA, Kim J-H, Saab J, MacDonald TY, Beg S et al..  2020.  Fusions involving BCOR and CREBBP are rare events in infiltrating glioma.. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 8(1):80.
Hartley BR, Elowitz E.  2020.  Future Directions in Communication in Neurosurgery.. World Neurosurg. 133:474-482.
Zhang S, Chiang GChia-Yi, Knapp JMarion, Zecca CM, He D, Ramakrishna R, Magge RS, Pisapia DJ, Fine HAlan, Tsiouris AJohn et al..  2020.  Grading meningiomas utilizing multiparametric MRI with inclusion of susceptibility weighted imaging and quantitative susceptibility mapping.. J Neuroradiol. 47(4):272-277.
K Riew D.  2020.  Henry Bohlman (July 22, 1937-May 27, 2010).. Neurospine. 17(3):475-477.
Younus I, Gerges MM, Uribe-Cardenas R, Morgenstern PF, Eljalby M, Tabaee A, Greenfield JP, Kacker A, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.  2020.  How long is the tail end of the learning curve? Results from 1000 consecutive endoscopic endonasal skull base cases following the initial 200 cases J Neurosurg. :1-11.
Boddapati V, Lee NJ, Mathew J, Vulapalli MM, Lombardi JM, Dyrszka MD, Sardar ZM, Lehman RA, K Riew D.  2020.  Hybrid Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion and Cervical Disc Arthroplasty: An Analysis of Short-Term Complications, Reoperations, and Readmissions.. Global Spine J. :2192568220941453.
Mangat HS, Wu X, Gerber LM, Schwarz JT, Fakhar M, Murthy SB, Stieg PE, Ghajar J, Härtl R.  2020.  Hypertonic Saline is Superior to Mannitol for the Combined Effect on Intracranial Pressure and Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Burdens in Patients With Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.. Neurosurgery. 86(2):221-230.