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Shimizu T, Pongmanee S, K Riew D.  2019.  Inter-spinous process distance: a novel parameter predicting segmental lordosis during posterior cervical spine deformity surgery.. Eur Spine J. 28(5):1192-1199.
M Janjua B, Hwang SW, Samdani AF, Pahys JM, Baaj AA, Härtl R, Greenfield JP.  2019.  Instrumented arthrodesis for non-traumatic craniocervical instability in very young children.. Childs Nerv Syst. 35(1):97-106.
Adogwa O, Buchowski JM, J Sielatycki A, Shlykov MA, Theologis AA, Lin J, CreveCoeur T, Peters C, K Riew D.  2020.  Improvements in Neck Pain and Disability Following C1-C2 Posterior Cervical Instrumentation and Fusion for Atlanto-Axial Osteoarthritis.. World Neurosurg. 139:e496-e500.
Winston GM, Lavieri METusa, Villamater FMichael, Schwartz TH.  2023.  Implantation of Intracranial Electrodes Predicts Worse Outcome in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.. World Neurosurg. 169:e245-e250.
Boddu SR, Y Gobin P, Dinkin M, Oliveira C, Patsalides A.  2019.  Impaired drainage of vein of Labbé following venous sinus stenting for idiopathic intracranial hypertension.. J Neurointerv Surg. 11(3):300-306.
Hoffman C, Yuan M, Boyke A, Perera I, Rabbin-Birnbaum C, O'Connor A, Souweidane M, Imahiyerobo T.  2020.  Impact of a Multidisciplinary Craniofacial Clinic for Patients With Craniofacial Syndromes on Patient Satisfaction and Outcome.. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 57(12):1357-1361.
Morgenstern PF, Connors S, Reiner AS, Greenfield JP.  2016.  Image Guidance for Placement of Ommaya Reservoirs: Comparison of Fluoroscopy and Frameless Stereotactic Navigation in 145 Patients.. World Neurosurg. 93:154-8.
Latif AMAbdel, Souweidane MM.  2016.  Extruded contents of colloid cysts after endoscopic removal.. J Neurosurg. 125(3):570-5.
Guadix SW, Valenti A, Zappi KE, Garton ALA, Yuan M, Buontempo M, Perera I, Souweidane MM, Imahiyerobo T, Hoffman CE.  2022.  Examining the Role of Early Diagnostic Imaging for Craniosynostosis in the Era of Endoscopic Suturectomy: A Single Institution Experience.. J Craniofac Surg. 33(5):1363-1368.
Link TW, Boddu SR, Hammad HT, Knopman J, Lin N, Gobin P, Patsalides A.  2018.  Endovascular treatment of middle cerebral artery aneurysms: A single center experience with a focus on thromboembolic complications.. Interv Neuroradiol. 24(1):14-21.
Margetis K, Christos PJ, Souweidane M.  2014.  Endoscopic resection of incidental colloid cysts. J Neurosurg. 120(6):1259-67.
Tabaee A, Anand VK, Cappabianca P, Stamm A, Esposito F, Schwartz TH.  2010.  Endoscopic management of spontaneous meningoencephalocele of the lateral sphenoid sinus.. J Neurosurg. 112(5):1070-7.
Bander ED, Singh H, Ogilvie CB, Cusic RC, Pisapia DJ, Tsiouris AJohn, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.  2018.  Endoscopic endonasal versus transcranial approach to tuberculum sellae and planum sphenoidale meningiomas in a similar cohort of patients.. J Neurosurg. 128(1):40-48.
Patrona A, Patel KS, Bander ED, Mehta A, Tsiouris AJohn, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.  2017.  Endoscopic endonasal surgery for nonadenomatous, nonmeningeal pathology involving the cavernous sinus.. J Neurosurg. 126(3):880-888.
Banu MA, Mehta A, Ottenhausen M, Fraser JF, Patel KS, Szentirmai O, Anand VK, Tsiouris AJ, Schwartz TH.  2016.  Endoscope-assisted endonasal versus supraorbital keyhole resection of olfactory groove meningiomas: comparison and combination of 2 minimally invasive approaches.. J Neurosurg. 124(3):605-20.
Carnevale JA, Pandey A, Ramirez-Loera C, Goldberg JL, Bander ED, Henderson F, Niogi SN, Tabaee A, Kacker A, Anand VK et al..  2024.  Endonasal, supraorbital, and transorbital approaches: minimal access endoscope-assisted surgical approaches for meningiomas in the anterior and middle cranial fossae.. J Neurosurg. 140(1):38-46.
Dhandapani S, Singh H, Negm HM, Cohen S, Souweidane MM, Greenfield JP, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.  2017.  Endonasal endoscopic reoperation for residual or recurrent craniopharyngiomas.. J Neurosurg. 126(2):418-430.
Wilson PJ, Omay SB, Kacker A, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.  2018.  Endonasal endoscopic pituitary surgery in the elderly.. J Neurosurg. 128(2):429-436.
Lang G, Navarro-Ramirez R, Gandevia L, Hussain I, Nakhla J, Zubkov M, Härtl R.  2017.  Elimination of Subsidence with 26-mm-Wide Cages in Extreme Lateral Interbody Fusion.. World Neurosurg. 104:644-652.