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Celie K-B, Yuan M, Cunniff C, Bogue J, Hoffman C, Imahiyerobo T.  2019.  Rapidly Progressive Multisutural Craniosynostosis in a Patient With Jackson-Weiss Syndrome and a De Novo Pathogenic Variant.. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 56(10):1386-1392.
Härtl R, Wu A-M.  2018.  Rapid development of minimally invasive spinal surgery: exciting advancements and challenges.. Ann Transl Med. 6(6):98.
Strahle JM, Taiwo R, Averill C, Torner J, Shannon CN, Bonfield CM, Tuite GF, Bethel-Anderson T, Rutlin J, Brockmeyer DL et al..  2019.  Radiological and clinical predictors of scoliosis in patients with Chiari malformation type I and spinal cord syrinx from the Park-Reeves Syringomyelia Research Consortium.. J Neurosurg Pediatr. :1-8.
Strahle JM, Taiwo R, Averill C, Torner J, Shannon CN, Bonfield CM, Tuite GF, Bethel-Anderson T, Rutlin J, Brockmeyer DL et al..  2019.  Radiological and clinical predictors of scoliosis in patients with Chiari malformation type I and spinal cord syrinx from the Park-Reeves Syringomyelia Research Consortium.. J Neurosurg Pediatr. :1-8.
Alimi M, Navarro-Ramirez R, Parikh K, Njoku I, Hofstetter CP, Tsiouris AJ, Härtl R.  2017.  Radiographic and Clinical Outcome of Silicate-substituted Calcium Phosphate (Si-CaP) Ceramic Bone Graft in Spinal Fusion Procedures.. Clin Spine Surg. 30(6):E845-E852.
Alimi M, Navarro-Ramirez R, Parikh K, Njoku I, Hofstetter CP, Tsiouris AJ, Härtl R.  2017.  Radiographic and Clinical Outcome of Silicate-substituted Calcium Phosphate (Si-CaP) Ceramic Bone Graft in Spinal Fusion Procedures.. Clin Spine Surg. 30(6):E845-E852.
Jiang EY, Sloan SR, Wipplinger C, Kirnaz S, Härtl R, Bonassar LJ.  2019.  Proteoglycan removal by chondroitinase ABC improves injectable collagen gel adhesion to annulus fibrosus.. Acta Biomater. 97:428-436.
Staton CA, Msilanga D, Kiwango G, Vissoci JRicardo, de Andrade L, Lester R, Hocker M, Gerardo CJ, Mvungi M.  2017.  A prospective registry evaluating the epidemiology and clinical care of traumatic brain injury patients presenting to a regional referral hospital in Moshi, Tanzania: challenges and the way forward.. Int J Inj Contr Saf Promot. 24(1):69-77.
Smith JS, Ramchandran S, Lafage V, Shaffrey CI, Ailon T, Klineberg E, Protopsaltis T, Schwab FJ, OʼBrien M, Hostin R et al..  2016.  Prospective Multicenter Assessment of Early Complication Rates Associated With Adult Cervical Deformity Surgery in 78 Patients.. Neurosurgery. 79(3):378-88.
Smith JS, Ramchandran S, Lafage V, Shaffrey CI, Ailon T, Klineberg E, Protopsaltis T, Schwab FJ, OʼBrien M, Hostin R et al..  2016.  Prospective Multicenter Assessment of Early Complication Rates Associated With Adult Cervical Deformity Surgery in 78 Patients.. Neurosurgery. 79(3):378-88.
Smith JS, Shaffrey CI, Kim HJo, Passias P, Protopsaltis T, Lafage R, Mundis GM, Klineberg E, Lafage V, Schwab FJ et al..  2018.  Prospective Multicenter Assessment of All-Cause Mortality Following Surgery for Adult Cervical Deformity.. Neurosurgery. 83(6):1277-1285.
Smith JS, Shaffrey CI, Kim HJo, Passias P, Protopsaltis T, Lafage R, Mundis GM, Klineberg E, Lafage V, Schwab FJ et al..  2018.  Prospective Multicenter Assessment of All-Cause Mortality Following Surgery for Adult Cervical Deformity.. Neurosurgery. 83(6):1277-1285.
Smith JS, Shaffrey CI, Kim HJo, Passias P, Protopsaltis T, Lafage R, Mundis GM, Klineberg E, Lafage V, Schwab FJ et al..  2018.  Prospective Multicenter Assessment of All-Cause Mortality Following Surgery for Adult Cervical Deformity.. Neurosurgery. 83(6):1277-1285.
Huang Y, Rajappa P, Hu W, Hoffman C, Cisse B, Kim J-H, Gorge E, Yanowitch R, Cope W, Vartanian E et al..  2017.  A proangiogenic signaling axis in myeloid cells promotes malignant progression of glioma.. J Clin Invest. 127(5):1826-1838.
Huang Y, Rajappa P, Hu W, Hoffman C, Cisse B, Kim J-H, Gorge E, Yanowitch R, Cope W, Vartanian E et al..  2017.  A proangiogenic signaling axis in myeloid cells promotes malignant progression of glioma.. J Clin Invest. 127(5):1826-1838.
Huang Y, Rajappa P, Hu W, Hoffman C, Cisse B, Kim J-H, Gorge E, Yanowitch R, Cope W, Vartanian E et al..  2017.  A proangiogenic signaling axis in myeloid cells promotes malignant progression of glioma.. J Clin Invest. 127(5):1826-1838.
Huang Y, Rajappa P, Hu W, Hoffman C, Cisse B, Kim J-H, Gorge E, Yanowitch R, Cope W, Vartanian E et al..  2017.  A proangiogenic signaling axis in myeloid cells promotes malignant progression of glioma.. J Clin Invest. 127(5):1826-1838.
Huang Y, Rajappa P, Hu W, Hoffman C, Cisse B, Kim J-H, Gorge E, Yanowitch R, Cope W, Vartanian E et al..  2017.  A proangiogenic signaling axis in myeloid cells promotes malignant progression of glioma.. J Clin Invest. 127(5):1826-1838.
Nagoshi N, Fehlings MG, Nakashima H, Tetreault L, Gum JL, Smith ZA, Hsu WK, Tannoury CA, Tannoury T, Traynelis VC et al..  2017.  Prevalence and Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Reintubation After Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery: Results From the AOSpine North America Multicenter Study on 8887 Patients.. Global Spine J. 7(1 Suppl):96S-102S.
Arnaout MM, Hanz SZ, Heier LA, Schwartz TH.  2021.  Prevalence and Outcome of Anterior and Middle Cranial Fossae Encephaloceles without Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak or Meningitis.. World Neurosurg.
Arnaout MM, Hanz SZ, Heier LA, Schwartz TH.  2021.  Prevalence and Outcome of Anterior and Middle Cranial Fossae Encephaloceles without Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak or Meningitis.. World Neurosurg.
Lessing NL, Mwesige S, Lazaro A, Cheserem BJ, Zuckerman SL, Leidinger A, Rutabasibwa N, Shabani HK, Mangat HS, Härtl R.  2020.  Pressure ulcers after traumatic spinal injury in East Africa: risk factors, illustrative case, and low-cost protocol for prevention and treatment.. Spinal Cord Ser Cases. 6(1):48.