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Smart LR, Mangat HS, Issarow B, McClelland P, Mayaya G, Kanumba E, Gerber LM, Wu X, Peck RN, Ngayomela I et al..  2017.  Severe Traumatic Brain Injury at a Tertiary Referral Center in Tanzania: Epidemiology and Adherence to Brain Trauma Foundation Guidelines.. World Neurosurg. 105:238-248.
Hoffman CE, Savage NJ, Souweidane MM.  2013.  The significance of cyst remnants after endoscopic colloid cyst resection: a retrospective clinical case series. Neurosurgery. 73(2):233-7;discussion237-9.
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Park MSoo, Moon SHwan, Kim THwan, Oh JKeun, Kim HJoon, Park KTae, K Riew D.  2016.  Surgical Anatomy of the Longus Colli Muscle and Uncinate Process in the Cervical Spine.. Yonsei Med J. 57(4):968-72.
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K Riew D, Yang JJun, Chang D-G, Park S-M, Yeom JS, Lee JSung, Jang E-C, Song K-S.  2019.  What is the most accurate radiographic criterion to determine anterior cervical fusion? Spine J. 19(3):469-475.