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Falavigna A, Scheverin N, Righesso O, Teles AR, Gullo MCarolina, Cheng JS, K Riew D.  2016.  Economic value of treating lumbar disc herniation in Brazil.. J Neurosurg Spine. 24(4):608-14.
Banu MA, Mehta A, Ottenhausen M, Fraser JF, Patel KS, Szentirmai O, Anand VK, Tsiouris AJ, Schwartz TH.  2016.  Endoscope-assisted endonasal versus supraorbital keyhole resection of olfactory groove meningiomas: comparison and combination of 2 minimally invasive approaches.. J Neurosurg. 124(3):605-20.
Marongiu R, Arango-Lievano M, Francardo V, Morgenstern P, Zhang X, M Cenci A, Svenningsson P, Greengard P, Kaplitt MG.  2016.  Gene therapy blockade of dorsal striatal p11 improves motor function and dyskinesia in parkinsonian mice.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 113(5):1423-8.
Barker FG, Fahlbusch R, Schwartz TH, Wisoff JH.  2016.  Introduction: Craniopharyngioma: current and emerging treatment modalities.. Neurosurg Focus. 41(6):E1.
Cohen LE, Fullerton N, Mundy LR, Weinstein AL, Fu K-M, Ketner JJ, Härtl R, Spector JA.  2016.  Optimizing Successful Outcomes in Complex Spine Reconstruction Using Local Muscle Flaps.. Plast Reconstr Surg. 137(1):295-301.
Cohen LE, Fullerton N, Mundy LR, Weinstein AL, Fu K-M, Ketner JJ, Härtl R, Spector JA.  2016.  Optimizing Successful Outcomes in Complex Spine Reconstruction Using Local Muscle Flaps.. Plast Reconstr Surg. 137(1):295-301.
Teles AR, Cabrera J, K Riew D, Falavigna A.  2016.  Steroid Use for Acute Spinal Cord Injury in Latin America: A Potentially Dangerous Practice Guided by Fear of Lawsuit.. World Neurosurg. 88:342-349.
Gotfryd AOfenhejm, Franzin FJosé, Härtl R.  2016.  Thoracolumbar Chance fracture during a professional female soccer game: case report.. Einstein (Sao Paulo). 14(1):67-70.
Ramakrishna R, Kim LJ, Bly RA, Moe K, Ferreira M.  2016.  Transorbital neuroendoscopic surgery for the treatment of skull base lesions.. J Clin Neurosci. 24:99-104.
Ghobrial GM, Harrop JS, Sasso RC, Tannoury CA, Tannoury T, Smith ZA, Hsu WK, Arnold PM, Fehlings MG, Mroz TE et al..  2017.  Anterior Cervical Infection: Presentation and Incidence of an Uncommon Postoperative Complication.. Global Spine J. 7(1 Suppl):12S-16S.
Lange CJ, Thimmappa NDeepa, Boddu SR, Dutruel SP, Pei M, Farooq Z, Behzadi AHeshmatzad, Wang Y, Zabih R, Prince MR.  2017.  Automating Perforator Flap MRA and CTA Reporting.. J Digit Imaging. 30(3):350-357.
Than KD, Mummaneni PV, Smith ZA, Hsu WK, Arnold PM, Fehlings MG, Mroz TE, K Riew D.  2017.  Brachial Plexopathy After Cervical Spine Surgery.. Global Spine J. 7(1 Suppl):17S-20S.
M Janjua B, Zhou PL, Greenfield JP, Baaj AA, Frempong-Boadu A.  2017.  C2 and Greater Occipital Nerve: The Anatomic and Functional Implications in Spinal Surgery.. Cureus. 9(3):e1074.
Salzmann SN, Lampe LP, Fernholz B, Härtl R, Patsalides A, Hughes AP.  2017.  C2 Bone Erosion Secondary to Iatrogenic Pseudomeningocele: A Case Report and Description of a Novel Surgical Technique.. World Neurosurg. 106:1056.e1-1056.e4.
Thompson SE, Smith ZA, Hsu WK, Nassr A, Mroz TE, Fish DE, Wang JC, Fehlings MG, Tannoury CA, Tannoury T et al..  2017.  C5 Palsy After Cervical Spine Surgery: A Multicenter Retrospective Review of 59 Cases.. Global Spine J. 7(1 Suppl):64S-70S.
Thompson SE, Smith ZA, Hsu WK, Nassr A, Mroz TE, Fish DE, Wang JC, Fehlings MG, Tannoury CA, Tannoury T et al..  2017.  C5 Palsy After Cervical Spine Surgery: A Multicenter Retrospective Review of 59 Cases.. Global Spine J. 7(1 Suppl):64S-70S.
Härtl R, Alimi M, Boukebir MAbdelatif, Berlin CD, Navarro-Ramirez R, Arnold PM, Fehlings MG, Mroz TE, K Riew D.  2017.  Carotid Artery Injury in Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery: Multicenter Cohort Study and Literature Review.. Global Spine J. 7(1 Suppl):71S-75S.
Fehlings MG, Tetreault LA, K Riew D, Middleton JW, Wang JC.  2017.  A Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: Introduction, Rationale, and Scope.. Global Spine J. 7(3 Suppl):21S-27S.
Fehlings MG, Tetreault LA, K Riew D, Middleton JW, Aarabi B, Arnold PM, Brodke DS, Burns AS, Carette S, Chen R et al..  2017.  A Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Patients With Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: Recommendations for Patients With Mild, Moderate, and Severe Disease and Nonmyelopathic Patients With Evidence of Cord Compression.. Global Spine J. 7(3 Suppl):70S-83S.
Fehlings MG, Tetreault LA, K Riew D, Middleton JW, Aarabi B, Arnold PM, Brodke DS, Burns AS, Carette S, Chen R et al..  2017.  A Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Patients With Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: Recommendations for Patients With Mild, Moderate, and Severe Disease and Nonmyelopathic Patients With Evidence of Cord Compression.. Global Spine J. 7(3 Suppl):70S-83S.