Dr. Fu Featured on Spine-health.com

Dr. Kai-Ming Fu was featured on the popular resource website spine-health.com for contributing an article titled “Understanding the Causes of Tailbone Pain“

Please see below for an excerpt from the article:

“Coccydynia, commonly called tailbone pain refers to persistent pain at the very bottom of your spine. You may develop this pain after direct trauma or spontaneously without a specific inciting factor. The pain typically lasts for weeks to months and can become debilitating.“

The article also lists five possible causes of tailbone pain:

• Coccyx bruising, fracture, or dislocation

• Anatomical changes in the coccyx

• Coccyx bone spurs

• Coccygeal arthritis

• Coccygeal infections and tumors 

Read the full article on spine-health.com.

Neurological Surgery 525 E. 68th St., Starr 651, Box 99 New York, NY 10065