Complex Surgical Approaches to the Skull Base: Hands-On Dissection

Weill Cornell Medicine Surgical Approaches to the Skull Base

This unique, hands-on course is conducted at our state-of-the-art Neurosurgical Innovations and Training Center. Participating surgeons work at interactive cadaver workstations, where they review 3D surgical anatomy before and during their own dissections. The combination of a 3D, virtual reality environment and hands-on, cadaveric dissection affords surgeons excellent preoperative training and rehearsal of current, complex approaches to cranial base surgery. Upcoming Courses

Course Objectives

The objective of our skull base surgical approach course is improved patient care. Upon completion of the course, participants are able to:

  • Identify orbital anatomy and orbito-zygomatic osteotomies.
  • Describe cavernous sinus anatomy and surgical exposure.
  • Understand cerebellopontine anatomy.
  • Review jugular foramen anatomy and surgical exposure.
  • Identify temporal bone anatomy and specify transpetrosal surgical approaches.
Target Audience

Practicing neurosurgeons, otolaryngologists, fellows and residents in training


Courses are held twice each year (in April and December).

Neurological Surgery 525 E. 68th St., Starr 651, Box 99 New York, NY 10065