Beyond guidelines: analysis of current practice patterns of AANS/CNS tumor neurosurgeons.

TitleBeyond guidelines: analysis of current practice patterns of AANS/CNS tumor neurosurgeons.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsBander ED, Sherman JH, Bettegowda C, Aghi MK, Sheehan J, Ramakrishna R
JournalJ Neurooncol
Date Published2021 Feb

INTRODUCTION: Evidence-based medicine guidelines are increasingly published and sanctioned by organized neurosurgery. However, implementation, interpretation, and use of clinical guidelines may vary substantially on a regional, national and international basis. Survey research can help bridge the gap by providing a snapshot of neurosurgeon attitudes, knowledge, and practices. The American Association of Neurological Surgeons/Congress of Neurological Surgeons (AANS/CNS) Section on Tumors formed a Survey Committee to formalize the process by which surveys are submitted and reviewed before distribution to our membership. The goal of this committee is to provide peer-review so that collected information will be scientifically robust and useful to the neurosurgical community.

METHODS: Surveys submitted to the AANS/CNS tumor section between 2015 and 2019 were reviewed and metrics such as response rate and publication status assessed.

RESULTS: Six surveys were submitted to the Survey Committee of the AANS/CNS section on tumors between 2015 and 2019. Four have been circulated to section members, of which three have been published. Response rate has averaged 19% (range 16-23%), a majority of respondents (mean 70%) practice in academic settings.

CONCLUSIONS: The AANS/CNS Section on Tumors Survey Committee has and continues to help promote and improve the practice of surveying our community to answer important questions that can advance future training, research, and practice. There remains significant room for improvement in response rates, but ongoing tumor section efforts to increase member engagement will likely improve these numbers.

Alternate JournalJ Neurooncol
PubMed ID33611703