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Murphy RK, Sun P, Han RH, Griffin KJ, Wagner J, Yarbrough CK, Wright NM, Dorward IG, K Riew D, Kelly MP et al..  2018.  Fractional anisotropy to quantify cervical spondylotic myelopathy severity.. J Neurosurg Sci. 62(4):406-412.
Kommidi H, Tosi U, Maachani UB, Guo H, Marnell CS, Law B, Souweidane MM, Ting R.  2018.  F-Radiolabeled Panobinostat Allows for Positron Emission Tomography Guided Delivery of a Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor.. ACS Med Chem Lett. 9(2):114-119.
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Santos MM, Qureshi MM, Budohoski KP, Mangat HS, Ngerageza JG, Schöller K, Shabani HK, Zubkov MR, Härtl R.  2018.  The Growth of Neurosurgery in East Africa: Challenges.. World Neurosurg. 113:425-435.
Drazin D, Grunert P, Härtl R, Polly D, Meyer B, Catchpole K, Laufer I, Sethi R, Perry T, Simon D et al..  2018.  Highlights from the First Annual Spinal Navigation, Emerging Technologies and Systems Integration Meeting.. Ann Transl Med. 6(6):110.
Wilcox JA, Ramakrishna R, Magge R.  2018.  Immunotherapy in Glioblastoma.. World Neurosurg. 116:518-528.
Alimi M, Lang G, Navarro-Ramirez R, Perrech M, Berlin C, Hofstetter CP, Moriguchi Y, Elowitz E, Härtl R.  2018.  The Impact of Cage Dimensions, Positioning, and Side of Approach in Extreme Lateral Interbody Fusion.. Clin Spine Surg. 31(1):E42-E49.
Moriguchi Y, Borde B, Berlin C, Wipplinger C, Sloan SR, Kirnaz S, Pennicooke B, Navarro-Ramirez R, Khair T, Grunert P et al..  2018.  In vivo annular repair using high-density collagen gel seeded with annulus fibrosus cells.. Acta Biomater. 79:230-238.
Ramakrishna R, Manoharan A.  2018.  Iron polymaltose infusion therapy during pregnancy.. Intern Med J. 48(2):229.
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Knisely JPS, Ramakrishna R, Schwartz TH.  2018.  Letter to the Editor. How safe, really, is jugular paraganglioma radiosurgery? J Neurosurg. :1-3.
Franck P, Bernstein JL, Cohen LE, Härtl R, Baaj AA, Spector JA.  2018.  Local muscle flaps minimize post-operative wound morbidity in patients with neoplastic disease of the spine.. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 171:100-105.
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Cohen S, Jones SH, Dhandapani S, Negm HM, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.  2018.  Lumbar Drains Decrease the Risk of Postoperative Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak Following Endonasal Endoscopic Surgery for Suprasellar Meningiomas in Patients With High Body Mass Index.. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 14(1):66-71.
Zhang M, Azad TD, Singh H, Salam S, Jain S, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.  2018.  Lumbar Puncture for the Injection of Intrathecal Fluorescein: Should It Be Avoided in a Subset of Patients Undergoing Endoscopic Endonasal Resection of Sellar and Parasellar Lesions? J Neurol Surg B Skull Base. 79(6):554-558.
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Chiang GC, Kovanlikaya I, Choi C, Ramakrishna R, Magge R, Shungu DC.  2018.  Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Positron Emission Tomography and Radiogenomics-Relevance to Glioma.. Front Neurol. 9:33.
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Ramos AD, Magge RS, Ramakrishna R.  2018.  Molecular Pathogenesis and Emerging Treatment for Glioblastoma.. World Neurosurg. 116:495-504.
Fishman PS, W Elias J, Ghanouni P, Gwinn R, Lipsman N, Schwartz M, Chang JW, Taira T, Krishna V, Rezai A et al..  2018.  Neurological adverse event profile of magnetic resonance imaging-guided focused ultrasound thalamotomy for essential tremor.. Mov Disord. 33(5):843-847.
Mangat HS, Schöller K, Budohoski KP, Ngerageza JG, Qureshi M, Santos MM, Shabani HK, Zubkov MR, Härtl R, Stieg PE.  2018.  Neurosurgery in East Africa: Foundations.. World Neurosurg. 113:411-424.
Budohoski KP, Ngerageza JG, Austard B, Fuller A, Galler R, Haglund M, Lett R, Lieberman IH, Mangat HS, March K et al..  2018.  Neurosurgery in East Africa: Innovations.. World Neurosurg. 113:436-452.
Navarro-Ramirez R, Berlin C, Lang G, Hussain I, Janssen I, Sloan S, Askin G, Avila MJ, Zubkov M, Härtl R.  2018.  A New Volumetric Radiologic Method to Assess Indirect Decompression After Extreme Lateral Interbody Fusion Using High-Resolution Intraoperative Computed Tomography.. World Neurosurg. 109:59-67.