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Hoffman C, Härtl R, Shlobin NA, Tshimbombu TN, Elbabaa SK, Haglund MM, Rubiano AM, Dewan MC, Stippler M, Mahmud MRaji et al..  2022.  Future Directions for Global Clinical Neurosurgical Training: Challenges and Opportunities. World Neurosurg.
Morana G, Shaw D, MacDonald SM, Alapetite C, Ajithkumar T, Bhatia A, Brisse H, Jaimes C, Czech T, Dhall G et al..  2022.  Imaging response assessment for CNS germ cell tumours: consensus recommendations from the European Society for Paediatric Oncology Brain Tumour Group and North American Children's Oncology Group. Lancet Oncol. 23(5):e218-e228.
Valenti AB, Asadourian P, Guadix S, Truong AY, Buontempo M, Hoffman CE, Souweidane M, Imahiyerobo TA.  2022.  Management of Total Frontal Bone Loss After Surgery for Craniosynostosis: The Modified Visor Bone Flap With Brain Cage.. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. :10556656221121041.
Xie L, Cen L-P, Li Y, Gilbert H-Y, Strelko O, Berlinicke C, Stavarache MA, Ma M, Wang Y, Cui Q et al..  2022.  Monocyte-derived SDF1 supports optic nerve regeneration and alters retinal ganglion cells' response to Pten deletion.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 119(15):e2113751119.
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Miller AM, Szalontay L, Bouvier N, Hill K, Ahmad H, Rafailov J, Lee AJ, M Rodriguez-Sanchez I, Yildirim O, Patel A et al..  2022.  Next-generation Sequencing of Cerebrospinal Fluid for Clinical Molecular Diagnostics in Pediatric, Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Brain Tumor Patients.. Neuro Oncol.
Kelly AP, Greenfield JP, Dobri GA, Schwartz TH.  2022.  Pediatric pituitary adenomas are more aggressive, more likely to be hormone producing and are more difficult to cure than adult pituitary adenomas: case series and systematic literature review.. Childs Nerv Syst.
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Tosi U, Uribe-Cardenas R, Lara-Reyna J, Villamater FN, Perera I, Stieg PE, Tsiouris AJohn, Souweidane MM.  2022.  Transseptal interforniceal endoscopic removal of superiorly recessed colloid cysts.. J Neurosurg. :1-7.
Grossman TB, Uribe-Cardenas R, Radwanski RE, Souweidane MM, Hoffman CE.  2021.  Arachnoid cysts: using prenatal imaging and need for pediatric neurosurgical intervention to better understand their natural history and prognosis.. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. :1-8.
Boddapati V, Mathew J, Lee NJ, Peterson JR, McCormick KL, Lombardi JM, Sardar ZM, Lehman RA, K Riew D.  2021.  Are outpatient three- and four-level anterior cervical discectomies and fusion safe? Spine J. 21(2):231-238.
Guadix SW, Tao AJ, An A, Demetres M, Tosi U, Chidambaram S, Knisely JPS, Ramakrishna R, Pannullo SC.  2021.  Assessing the long-term safety and efficacy of gamma knife and linear accelerator radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis.. Neurooncol Pract. 8(6):639-651.
Bander ED, Sherman JH, Bettegowda C, Aghi MK, Sheehan J, Ramakrishna R.  2021.  Beyond guidelines: analysis of current practice patterns of AANS/CNS tumor neurosurgeons.. J Neurooncol. 151(3):361-366.
Fields MW, Lee NJ, Hong DY, Para A, Boddapati V, Mathew J, Kim JS, Lombardi J, Lehman RA, K Riew D.  2021.  Cervical Spinal Fusion in Adult Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis: A National Analysis of Complications and 90-day Readmissions.. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 46(1):E23-E30.
Winston GM, Guadix S, Lavieri MTusa, Uribe-Cardenas R, Kocharian G, Williams N, Sholle E, Grinspan Z, Hoffman CE.  2021.  Closed-loop vagal nerve stimulation for intractable epilepsy: A single-center experience.. Seizure. 88:95-101.
McCrea HJ, Lara-Reyna J, Perera I, Uribe R, Chotai S, Savage N, Hersh EH, Haussner T, Souweidane MM.  2021.  Colloid cysts of the third ventricle in children.. J Neurosurg Pediatr. :1-7.
Kirnaz S, Medary B, Härtl R.  2021.  Commentary on "Robot-Guided Transforaminal Versus Robot-Guided Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion for Lumbar Degenerative Disease".. Neurospine. 18(1):106-108.
Loidolt T, Kurra S, K Riew D, Levi AD, Florman J, Lavelle WF.  2021.  Comparison of adverse events between cervical disc arthroplasty and anterior cervical discectomy and fusion: a 10-year follow-up.. Spine J. 21(2):253-264.
Pannullo SC, Guadix SW, Souweidane MM, Juthani RG, Baaj AA, Dupree T, Strybing K, Henry RF, Linen H, O'Neill J et al..  2021.  COVID-19: A Time Like No Other in (the Department of) Neurological Surgery.. World Neurosurg. 148:256-262.
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González-Rodríguez P, Zampese E, Stout KA, Guzman JN, Ilijic E, Yang B, Tkatch T, Stavarache MA, Wokosin DL, Gao L et al..  2021.  Disruption of mitochondrial complex I induces progressive parkinsonism.. Nature.
Yahanda AT, P Adelson D, S Akbari HA, Albert GW, Aldana PR, Alden TD, Anderson RCE, Bauer DF, Bethel-Anderson T, Brockmeyer DL et al..  2021.  Dural augmentation approaches and complication rates after posterior fossa decompression for Chiari I malformation and syringomyelia: a Park-Reeves Syringomyelia Research Consortium study.. J Neurosurg Pediatr. :1-10.
Park MSoo, Moon S-H, Kim Y-W, Lim JKyu, Jung JHo, Kim TSoung, Reidler JS, K Riew D.  2021.  The Effect of Cervical Fusion on Functional Sagittal Spinal Alignment Based on the Inflection Point: Case Series Study.. Global Spine J. :21925682211001795.