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Tan LA, K Riew D, Traynelis VC.  2017.  Cervical Spine Deformity-Part 2: Management Algorithm and Anterior Techniques.. Neurosurgery. 81(4):561-567.
Tan LA, K Riew D, Traynelis VC.  2017.  Cervical Spine Deformity-Part 1: Biomechanics, Radiographic Parameters, and Classification.. Neurosurgery. 81(2):197-203.
Tan LA, K Riew D.  2018.  Anterior cervical osteotomy: operative technique.. Eur Spine J. 27(Suppl 1):39-47.
Tan LA, K Riew D, Traynelis VC.  2017.  Cervical Spine Deformity-Part 3: Posterior Techniques, Clinical Outcome, and Complications.. Neurosurgery. 81(6):893-898.
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