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Laratta JLawrence, Shillingford JN, Cohen-Tanugi SJeffrey, Lombardi JM, Lenke LG, K Riew D, Lehman RA, Ludwig SC.  2018.  Defining the "Critical Elements" for the Most Common Procedures in Spine Surgery: A Consensus of Orthopedic and Neurosurgical Surgeons.. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 43(9):E531-E536.
Papavero L, Schmeiser G, Kothe R, Boszczyk B, Heese O, Kawaguchi Y, MacDowall A, Olerud C, Paidakakos N, Panagiotou A et al..  2020.  Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: A 7-Letter Coding System That Supports Decision-Making for the Surgical Approach.. Neurospine. 17(1):164-171.
Papavero L, Schmeiser G, Kothe R, Boszczyk B, Heese O, Kawaguchi Y, MacDowall A, Olerud C, Paidakakos N, Panagiotou A et al..  2020.  Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: A 7-Letter Coding System That Supports Decision-Making for the Surgical Approach.. Neurospine. 17(1):164-171.
Ravindra VM, Senglaub SS, Rattani A, Dewan MC, Härtl R, Bisson E, Park KB, Shrime MG.  2018.  Degenerative Lumbar Spine Disease: Estimating Global Incidence and Worldwide Volume.. Global Spine J. 8(8):784-794.
Ravindra VM, Senglaub SS, Rattani A, Dewan MC, Härtl R, Bisson E, Park KB, Shrime MG.  2018.  Degenerative Lumbar Spine Disease: Estimating Global Incidence and Worldwide Volume.. Global Spine J. 8(8):784-794.
DiCesare JAThum, Segar DJ, Donoho D, Radwanski R, Zada G, Yang I.  2020.  Democratizing Access to Neurosurgical Medical Education: National Efforts in a Medical Student Training Camp During Coronavirus Disease 2019.. World Neurosurg. 144:e237-e243.
Bang W-S, Park J, Kim K-T, Cho D-C, K Riew D, Kim D-H, Han I-B, Hyun S-J, Yoon D-H, Kim Y-B.  2020.  Development of Neuro-Monitoring Pedicle Screw - Results of Electrical Resistance and Neurophysiologic Test in Pig Model.. Neurospine.
Lin W, Ha A, Boddapati V, Yuan W, K Riew D.  2018.  Diagnosing Pseudoarthrosis After Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion.. Neurospine. 15(3):194-205.
Salama GR, Heier LA, Patel P, Ramakrishna R, Magge R, Tsiouris AJohn.  2017.  Diffusion Weighted/Tensor Imaging, Functional MRI and Perfusion Weighted Imaging in Glioblastoma-Foundations and Future.. Front Neurol. 8:660.
Park MSoo, Moon S-H, Lee H-M, Kim SWoo, Kim T-H, Min SKi, Suh B-K, K Riew D.  2016.  Do Anterior Cervical Osteophytes Prevent Dynamization of Cervical Dynamic Plates? Clin Spine Surg. 29(6):E314-8.
Omay SBulent, Chen Y-N, Almeida JPaulo, Ruiz-Treviño ASaul, Boockvar JA, Stieg PE, Greenfield JP, Souweidane MM, Kacker A, Pisapia DJ et al..  2018.  Do craniopharyngioma molecular signatures correlate with clinical characteristics? J Neurosurg. 128(5):1473-1478.
Rometsch E, Spruit M, Härtl R, McGuire RAlton, Gallo-Kopf BSandra, Kalampoki V, Kandziora F.  2017.  Does Operative or Nonoperative Treatment Achieve Better Results in A3 and A4 Spinal Fractures Without Neurological Deficit?: Systematic Literature Review With Meta-Analysis. Global Spine J. 7(4):350-372.
Lee NJ, Vulapalli M, Park P, Kim JS, Boddapati V, Mathew J, Amorosa LF, Sardar ZM, Lehman RA, K Riew D.  2020.  Does screw length for primary two-level ACDF influence pseudarthrosis risk? Spine J. 20(11):1752-1760.
Laratta JL, Shillingford JN, Hardy N, Lehman RA, Lenke LG, K Riew D.  2017.  A Dose-Response Curve for a Gram-Negative Spinal Implant Infection Model in Rabbits.. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 42(21):E1225-E1230.
Khan OH, Raithatha R, Castelnuovo P, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.  2016.  Draf III Extension in the Endoscopic Endonasal Transethmoidal, Transcribriform Approach Through the Back Wall of the Frontal Sinus: A Cadaveric Study.. World Neurosurg. 85:136-42.
Yahanda AT, P Adelson D, S Akbari HA, Albert GW, Aldana PR, Alden TD, Anderson RCE, Bauer DF, Bethel-Anderson T, Brockmeyer DL et al..  2021.  Dural augmentation approaches and complication rates after posterior fossa decompression for Chiari I malformation and syringomyelia: a Park-Reeves Syringomyelia Research Consortium study.. J Neurosurg Pediatr. :1-10.
Ivanidze J, Roytman M, Skafida M, Kim S, Glynn S, Osborne JR, Pannullo SC, Nehmeh S, Ramakrishna R, Schwartz TH et al..  2022.  Dynamic 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/MRI in the Diagnosis and Management of Intracranial Meningiomas.. Radiol Imaging Cancer. 4(2):e210067.
Ivanidze J, Roytman M, Skafida M, Kim S, Glynn S, Osborne JR, Pannullo SC, Nehmeh S, Ramakrishna R, Schwartz TH et al..  2022.  Dynamic 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/MRI in the Diagnosis and Management of Intracranial Meningiomas.. Radiol Imaging Cancer. 4(2):e210067.
Tuchman A, Tan LA, Shillingford JN, Li XJ, K Riew D.  2019.  Dynamic changes in the reflex exam of patients with sub-axial cervical stenosis.. J Clin Neurosci. 60:84-87.
Chidambaram S, Pannullo SC, Roytman M, Pisapia DJ, Liechty B, Magge RS, Ramakrishna R, Stieg PE, Schwartz TH, Ivanidze J.  2019.  Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging perfusion characteristics in meningiomas treated with resection and adjuvant radiosurgery.. Neurosurg Focus. 46(6):E10.
Chidambaram S, Pannullo SC, Roytman M, Pisapia DJ, Liechty B, Magge RS, Ramakrishna R, Stieg PE, Schwartz TH, Ivanidze J.  2019.  Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging perfusion characteristics in meningiomas treated with resection and adjuvant radiosurgery.. Neurosurg Focus. 46(6):E10.
Joaquim AFernandes, Baum G, Tan LA, K Riew D.  2019.  Dynamic Cord Compression Causing Cervical Myelopathy.. Neurospine.
Joaquim AFernandes, Baum GR, Tan LA, K Riew D.  2019.  Dynamic Cord Compression Causing Cervical Myelopathy.. Neurospine. 16(3):448-453.