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Ghobrial GM, Lavelle WF, Florman JE, K Riew D, Levi AD.  2019.  Symptomatic Adjacent Level Disease Requiring Surgery: Analysis of 10-Year Results From a Prospective, Randomized, Clinical Trial Comparing Cervical Disc Arthroplasty to Anterior Cervical Fusion.. Neurosurgery. 84(2):347-354.
Riley CA, Soneru CP, Tabaee A, Kacker A, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.  2019.  Technological and Ideological Innovations in Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery.. World Neurosurg.
Lavelle WF, K Riew D, Levi AD, Florman JE.  2019.  Ten-year Outcomes of Cervical Disc Replacement With the BRYAN Cervical Disc: Results From a Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial.. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 44(9):601-608.
Zhang S, Chiang GChia-Yi, Magge RS, Fine HAlan, Ramakrishna R, Chang EWang, Pulisetty T, Wang Y, Zhu W, Kovanlikaya I.  2019.  Texture analysis on conventional MRI images accurately predicts early malignant transformation of low-grade gliomas.. Eur Radiol. 29(6):2751-2759.
Miller AM, Shah RH, Pentsova EI, Pourmaleki M, Briggs S, Distefano N, Zheng Y, Skakodub A, Mehta SA, Campos C et al..  2019.  Tracking tumour evolution in glioma through liquid biopsies of cerebrospinal fluid.. Nature. 565(7741):654-658.
Miller AM, Shah RH, Pentsova EI, Pourmaleki M, Briggs S, Distefano N, Zheng Y, Skakodub A, Mehta SA, Campos C et al..  2019.  Tracking tumour evolution in glioma through liquid biopsies of cerebrospinal fluid.. Nature. 565(7741):654-658.
Joaquim AFernandes, Osorio JA, K Riew D.  2019.  Transoral and Endoscopic Endonasal Odontoidectomies – Surgical Techniques, Indications, and Complications. Neurospine. 16(3):462-469.
Ottenhausen M, Rumalla K, La Corte E, Alalade A, Nair P, Forbes J, Ben Nsir A, Schwartz TH.  2019.  Treatment strategies for craniopharyngiomas.. J Neurosurg Sci. 63(1):83-87.
Bander ED, Jones SH, Pisapia D, Magge R, Fine H, Schwartz TH, Ramakrishna R.  2019.  Tubular brain tumor biopsy improves diagnostic yield for subcortical lesions.. J Neurooncol. 141(1):121-129.
K Riew D.  2019.  Variations in cervical myotomes and dermatomes.. Spine J. 19(7):1143-1145.
K Riew D, Yang JJun, Chang D-G, Park S-M, Yeom JS, Lee JSung, Jang E-C, Song K-S.  2019.  What is the most accurate radiographic criterion to determine anterior cervical fusion? Spine J. 19(3):469-475.
Soneru CP, Riley CA, Minkowitz S, Tabaee A, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.  2020.  Adherus Dural Sealant in Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery: Safety, Imaging Characteristics, and Sinonasal Quality of Life.. J Neurol Surg B Skull Base. 81(6):659-663.
Lee D-H, Park S, Park J-W, Hwang C-J, Cho JHwan, Lee CSung, K Riew D.  2020.  Adjacent Level Ossification Development Following Anterior Cervical Fusion: How Does it Affect the Next Level Disc? Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 45(22):E1469-E1475.
Joaquim AF, Lee NJ, Lehman RA, Tumialán LM, K Riew D.  2020.  Answer to the "Letter to the Editor of Wu TK, et al. concerning "Osteolysis after cervical disc arthroplasty" by Joaquim AF, et al. (Eur Spine J; [2020]: doi: 10.1007/s00586-020-06578-2)".. Eur Spine J. 29(12):3249-3250.
Safaee MM, Tan LA, K Riew D.  2020.  Anterior osteotomy for rigid cervical deformity correction.. J Spine Surg. 6(1):210-216.
Hofstetter CP, Ahn Y, Choi G, Gibson JNA, Ruetten S, Zhou Y, Li ZZhou, Siepe CJ, Wagner R, Lee J-H et al..  2020.  AOSpine Consensus Paper on Nomenclature for Working-Channel Endoscopic Spinal Procedures.. Global Spine J. 10(2 Suppl):111S-121S.
Makhni MC, Yeung CM, K Riew D.  2020.  The Art of Diagnosis in the Cervical Spine.. Neurospine. 17(4):695-703.
Imahiyerobo TA, Premaratne ID, Kocharian G, O'Connor A, Thomas C, Rabbin-Birnbaum C, Souweidane MM, Hoffman CE.  2020.  A Comparative Analysis of the Sonopet Ultrasonic Bone Aspirator to Traditional Instrumentation for Endoscopic Suturectomy for Craniosynostosis.. J Craniofac Surg.
Lee NJ, Kim JS, Park P, K Riew D.  2020.  A Comparison of Various Surgical Treatments for Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: A Propensity Score Matched Analysis.. Global Spine J. :2192568220976092.
Lessing NL, Zuckerman SL, Lazaro A, Leech AA, Leidinger A, Rutabasibwa N, Shabani HK, Mangat HS, Härtl R.  2020.  Cost-Effectiveness of Operating on Traumatic Spinal Injuries in Low-Middle Income Countries: A Preliminary Report From a Major East African Referral Center.. Global Spine J. :2192568220944888.
Papavero L, Schmeiser G, Kothe R, Boszczyk B, Heese O, Kawaguchi Y, MacDowall A, Olerud C, Paidakakos N, Panagiotou A et al..  2020.  Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: A 7-Letter Coding System That Supports Decision-Making for the Surgical Approach.. Neurospine. 17(1):164-171.
Papavero L, Schmeiser G, Kothe R, Boszczyk B, Heese O, Kawaguchi Y, MacDowall A, Olerud C, Paidakakos N, Panagiotou A et al..  2020.  Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: A 7-Letter Coding System That Supports Decision-Making for the Surgical Approach.. Neurospine. 17(1):164-171.
DiCesare JAThum, Segar DJ, Donoho D, Radwanski R, Zada G, Yang I.  2020.  Democratizing Access to Neurosurgical Medical Education: National Efforts in a Medical Student Training Camp During Coronavirus Disease 2019.. World Neurosurg. 144:e237-e243.
Bang W-S, Park J, Kim K-T, Cho D-C, K Riew D, Kim D-H, Han I-B, Hyun S-J, Yoon D-H, Kim Y-B.  2020.  Development of Neuro-Monitoring Pedicle Screw - Results of Electrical Resistance and Neurophysiologic Test in Pig Model.. Neurospine.
Lee NJ, Vulapalli M, Park P, Kim JS, Boddapati V, Mathew J, Amorosa LF, Sardar ZM, Lehman RA, K Riew D.  2020.  Does screw length for primary two-level ACDF influence pseudarthrosis risk? Spine J. 20(11):1752-1760.