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Lee D-H, K Riew D, Choi SHoon, Bin Im S, Nam WDong, Yoon YSik, Hong CGie.  2020.  Safety and Efficacy of a Novel Anterior Decompression Technique for Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament of the Cervical Spine.. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 28(8):332-341.
Bander ED, Kelly A, Ma X, Christos PJ, A Wernicke G, Stieg PE, Trichter S, Knisely JPS, Ramakrishna R, Schwartz TH.  2023.  Safety and efficacy of Cesium-131 brachytherapy for brain tumors.. J Neurooncol. 163(2):355-365.
Safaee MM, Nichols NM, Yerneni K, Zhang Y, K Riew D, Tan LA.  2020.  Safety and efficacy of direct nerve root decompression via anterior cervical discectomy and fusion with uncinectomy for cervical radiculopathy.. J Spine Surg. 6(1):205-209.
Fehlings MG, Badhiwala JH, Ahn H, H Farhadi F, Shaffrey CI, Nassr A, Mummaneni P, Arnold PM, W Jacobs B, K Riew D et al..  2021.  Safety and efficacy of riluzole in patients undergoing decompressive surgery for degenerative cervical myelopathy (CSM-Protect): a multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised, phase 3 trial.. Lancet Neurol. 20(2):98-106.
Kaplitt MG, Krishna V, Eisenberg HM, W Elias J, Ghanouni P, Baltuch GH, Rezai A, Halpern CH, Dalm B, Fishman PS et al..  2024.  Safety and Efficacy of Staged, Bilateral Focused Ultrasound Thalamotomy in Essential Tremor: An Open-Label Clinical Trial. JAMA Neurol.
Winston GM, Zimering JH, Newman CW, Reiner AS, Manalil N, Kharas N, Gulati A, Rakesh N, Laufer I, Bilsky MH et al..  2024.  Safety and Efficacy of Surgical Implantation of Intrathecal Drug Delivery Pumps in Patients With Cancer With Refractory Pain. Neurosurgery.
Kaplitt MG, Feigin A, Tang C, Fitzsimons HL, Mattis P, Lawlor PA, Bland RJ, Young D, Strybing K, Eidelberg D et al..  2007.  Safety and tolerability of gene therapy with an adeno-associated virus (AAV) borne GAD gene for Parkinson's disease: an open label, phase I trial. Lancet. 369(9579):2097-105.
Yerneni K, Burke JF, Chunduru P, Molinaro AM, K Riew D, Traynelis VC, Tan LA.  2020.  Safety of Outpatient Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.. Neurosurgery. 86(1):30-45.
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Hirschfeld CB, Schwartz TH, Parashar B, A Wernicke G.  2016.  Seed migration to the spinal canal after postresection brachytherapy to treat a large brain metastasis.. Brachytherapy. 15(5):637-41.
Harris SS, Boorman LW, Kennerley AJ, Sharp PS, Martin C, Redgrave P, Schwartz TH, Berwick J.  2018.  Seizure epicenter depth and translaminar field potential synchrony underlie complex variations in tissue oxygenation during ictal initiation.. Neuroimage. 171:165-175.
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Boddu SR, Abramson DH, Marr BP, Francis JH, Y Gobin P.  2017.  Selective ophthalmic artery chemosurgery (SOAC) for retinoblastoma: fluoroscopic time and radiation dose parameters. A baseline study.. J Neurointerv Surg. 9(11):1107-1112.
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Mangat HS, Wu X, Gerber LM, Shabani HK, Lazaro A, Leidinger A, Santos MM, McClelland PH, Schenck H, Joackim P et al..  2021.  Severe traumatic brain injury management in Tanzania: analysis of a prospective cohort.. J Neurosurg. :1-13.
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Hoffman CE, Savage NJ, Souweidane MM.  2013.  The significance of cyst remnants after endoscopic colloid cyst resection: a retrospective clinical case series. Neurosurgery. 73(2):233-7;discussion237-9.
Schwartz TH, McDermott MW.  2020.  The Simpson grade: abandon the scale but preserve the message.. J Neurosurg. :1-8.
Aichmair A, Alimi M, Hughes AP, Sama AA, Du JY, Härtl R, Burket JC, Lampe LP, Cammisa FP, Girardi FP.  2017.  Single-Level Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion for the Treatment of Adjacent Segment Disease: A Retrospective Two-Center Study.. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 42(9):E515-E522.
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Sondhi D, Kaminsky SM, Hackett NR, Pagovich OE, Rosenberg JB, De BP, Chen A, Van de Graaf B, Mezey JG, Mammen GW et al..  2020.  Slowing late infantile Batten disease by direct brain parenchymal administration of a rh.10 adeno-associated virus expressing .. Sci Transl Med. 12(572)
Roytman M, Pisapia DJ, Liechty B, Lin E, Skafida M, Magge RS, Osborne JR, Pannullo SC, Knisely JPS, Ramakrishna R et al..  2020.  Somatostatin receptor-2 negative meningioma: pathologic correlation and imaging implications.. Clin Imaging. 66:18-22.
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