
Found 685 results
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Journal Article
Hussain I, Virk MS, Link TW, Tsiouris AJ, Elowitz E.  2018.  Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion with 3D-Navigation Guided Cortical Bone Trajectory Screws for L4/5 Degenerative Spondylolisthesis: 1-Year Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes.. World Neurosurg. 110:e504-e513.
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Shafiq ARaza, A Wernicke G, Riley CAlex, Morgenstern PF, Nedialkova L, Pannullo SC, Parashar B, Magge R, Schwartz TH.  2019.  Placement of cesium-131 permanent brachytherapy seeds using the endoscopic endonasal approach for recurrent anaplastic skull base meningioma: case report and technical note.. J Neurosurg. 132(3):921-926.
Harris SS, Boorman LW, Das D, Kennerley AJ, Sharp PS, Martin C, Redgrave P, Schwartz TH, Berwick J.  2018.  Physiological and Pathological Brain Activation in the Anesthetized Rat Produces Hemodynamic-Dependent Cortical Temperature Increases That Can Confound the BOLD fMRI Signal.. Front Neurosci. 12:550.
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Alexander W, Davis S, Ramakrishna R, Manoharan A.  2020.  Outcomes of Reduced Frequency Dosing of Ibrutinib in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Patients Following Complete or Partial Remission: A Pilot Study.. J Hematol. 9(3):55-61.
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Marianayagam NJ, Premaratne ID, Buontempo MM, Villamater FN, Souweidane MM, Hoffman CE.  2021.  Outcomes of a virtual craniofacial clinic for assessing plagiocephaly during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 28(5):497-501.