
Found 685 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Hershman SH, Kunkle WA, Kelly MP, Buchowski JM, Ray WZ, Bumpass DB, Gum JL, Peters CM, Singhatanadgige W, Kim JYoung et al..  2017.  Esophageal Perforation Following Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery: Case Report and Review of the Literature.. Global Spine J. 7(1 Suppl):28S-36S.
Anderson PA, Nassr A, Currier BL, Sebastian AS, Arnold PM, Fehlings MG, Mroz TE, K Riew D.  2017.  Evaluation of Adverse Events in Total Disc Replacement: A Meta-Analysis of FDA Summary of Safety and Effectiveness Data.. Global Spine J. 7(1 Suppl):76S-83S.
Stieg PE, Cappabianca P.  2017.  From the Annals of Weill Cornell Neurological Surgery.. World Neurosurg. 106:990.
M Janjua B, Ivasyk I, Pisapia DJ, Souweidane MM.  2017.  Ganglioglioma of brain stem and cervicomedullary junction: A 50years review of literature.. J Clin Neurosci. 44:34-46.
Baird-Daniel E, Daniel AGS, Wenzel M, Li D, Liou J-Y, Laffont P, Zhao M, Yuste R, Ma H, Schwartz TH.  2017.  Glial Calcium Waves are Triggered by Seizure Activity and Not Essential for Initiating Ictal Onset or Neurovascular Coupling.. Cereb Cortex. 27(6):3318-3330.
Zhou Z, Luther N, Singh R, Boockvar JA, Souweidane MM, Greenfield JP.  2017.  Glioblastoma spheroids produce infiltrative gliomas in the rat brainstem.. Childs Nerv Syst. 33(3):437-446.
Smith JS, Line B, Bess S, Shaffrey CI, Kim HJo, Mundis G, Scheer JK, Klineberg E, O'Brien M, Hostin R et al..  2017.  The Health Impact of Adult Cervical Deformity in Patients Presenting for Surgical Treatment: Comparison to United States Population Norms and Chronic Disease States Based on the EuroQuol-5 Dimensions Questionnaire.. Neurosurgery. 80(5):716-725.
Ames CP, Clark AJ, Kanter AS, Arnold PM, Fehlings MG, Mroz TE, K Riew D.  2017.  Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy After Cervical Spine Surgery.. Global Spine J. 7(1 Suppl):37S-39S.
Daniels AH, Hart RA, Hilibrand AS, Fish DE, Wang JC, Lord EL, Buser Z, P Tortolani J, D Stroh A, Nassr A et al..  2017.  Iatrogenic Spinal Cord Injury Resulting From Cervical Spine Surgery.. Global Spine J. 7(1 Suppl):84S-90S.
Pisapia DJ, Magge R, Ramakrishna R.  2017.  Improved Pathologic Diagnosis-Forecasting the Future in Glioblastoma.. Front Neurol. 8:707.
Ramakrishna R, Sarkar D, Manduri A, Iyer SGanesan, Shetty K.  2017.  Improving phenolic bioactive-linked anti-hyperglycemic functions of dark germinated barley sprouts ( L.) using seed elicitation strategy.. J Food Sci Technol. 54(11):3666-3678.
Smith GA, Pace J, Corriveau M, Lee S, Mroz TE, Nassr A, Fehlings MG, Hart RA, Hilibrand AS, Arnold PM et al..  2017.  Incidence and Outcomes of Acute Implant Extrusion Following Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery.. Global Spine J. 7(1 Suppl):40S-45S.
Santos MM, Rubagumya DK, Dominic I, Brighton A, Colombe S, O'Donnell P, Zubkov MR, Härtl R.  2017.  Infant hydrocephalus in sub-Saharan Africa: the reality on the Tanzanian side of the lake.. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 20(5):423-431.
Khan AN, Jacobsen HE, Khan J, Filippi CG, Levine M, Lehman RA, K Riew D, Lenke LG, Chahine NO.  2017.  Inflammatory biomarkers of low back pain and disc degeneration: a review.. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1410(1):68-84.
Ivasyk I, Morgenstern PF, Wembacher-Schroeder E, Souweidane MM.  2017.  Influence of an intratumoral cyst on drug distribution by convection-enhanced delivery: case report.. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 20(3):256-260.
Sloan SR, Galesso D, Secchieri C, Berlin C, Härtl R, Bonassar LJ.  2017.  Initial investigation of individual and combined annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus repair ex vivo.. Acta Biomater. 59:192-199.
Wang JC, Buser Z, Fish DE, Lord EL, Roe AK, Chatterjee D, Gee EL, Mayer EN, Yanez MY, McBride OJ et al..  2017.  Intraoperative Death During Cervical Spinal Surgery: A Retrospective Multicenter Study.. Global Spine J. 7(1 Suppl):127S-131S.
Laratta JL, Shillingford JN, Hardy N, Lombardi JM, Saifi C, Romanov A, Lenke LG, Lehman RA, K Riew D.  2017.  Intrawound Tobramycin Powder Eradicates Surgical Wound Contamination: An In Vivo Rabbit Study.. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 42(24):E1393-E1397.
Shetty SRaviraj, Ruiz-Treviño AS, Omay SBulent, Almeida JPaulo, Liang B, Chen Y-N, Singh H, Schwartz TH.  2017.  Limitations of the endonasal endoscopic approach in treating olfactory groove meningiomas. A systematic review.. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 159(10):1875-1885.
Niethammer M, Tang CC, LeWitt PA, Rezai AR, Leehey MA, Ojemann SG, Flaherty AW, Eskandar EN, Kostyk SK, Sarkar A et al..  2017.  Long-term follow-up of a randomized AAV2- gene therapy trial for Parkinson's disease.. JCI Insight. 2(7):e90133.
Schöller K, Alimi M, Cong G-T, Christos P, Härtl R.  2017.  Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Associated With Degenerative Lumbar Spondylolisthesis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Secondary Fusion Rates Following Open vs Minimally Invasive Decompression.. Neurosurgery. 80(3):355-367.
Rajappa P, Cobb WS, Vartanian E, Huang Y, Daly L, Hoffman C, Zhang J, Shen B, Yanowitch R, Garg K et al..  2017.  Malignant Astrocytic Tumor Progression Potentiated by JAK-mediated Recruitment of Myeloid Cells.. Clin Cancer Res. 23(12):3109-3119.
Romero ADel Carmen, Gangadharan JLal, Bander ED, Gobin YPierre, Anand VK, Schwartz TH.  2017.  Managing Arterial Injury in Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery: Case Series and Review of the Literature.. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 13(1):138-149.
Singh H, Essayed WI, Deb S, Hoffman C, Schwartz TH.  2017.  Minimally Invasive Robotic Laser Corpus Callosotomy: A Proof of Concept.. Cureus. 9(2):e1021.
Parajón A, Alimi M, Navarro-Ramirez R, Christos P, Torres-Campa JM, Moriguchi Y, Lang G, Härtl R.  2017.  Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Meta-analysis of the Fusion Rates. What is the Optimal Graft Material? Neurosurgery. 81(6):958-971.